Ambijent uključi/isključi

eRepublik Video

40 Dan 2,469, 08:54 Objavljeno u Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

Hey everyone.

It’s pretty obvious that I’m writing this article to get the 25 comments mission done, but there is one problem: if I only ask for comments and write nothing else, the article will get deleted (it will be treated as spam). So, I’m

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Second Top Fighter

37 Dan 2,469, 07:49 Objavljeno u Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

Hey everyone.

Yesterday I got my second Top Fighter! 🙂

And guess what? The pop up is still bugged up, after

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Al Bahah Victory + Congress Donation

9 Dan 2,468, 11:47 Objavljeno u Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Političke rasprave i analize Političke rasprave i analize

Dear citizens of eSaudi Arabia,

I have great news: we have successfully regained control of Al Bahah, which means that we are going to have a Congress this term.

Thanks to everyone who’s helped us with the Resistance War. Special thanks go to

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3 Dan 2,467, 09:09 Objavljeno u Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Zapovijedi za bitku Zapovijedi za bitku

Dear people of eSaudi Arabia,

Greece is returning Al Bahah to us so we can have a Congress.

Please FIGHT IN AL BAHAH. We have to win this Resistance War!


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PP Victory + Gamer's Dictionary

13 Dan 2,461, 17:10 Objavljeno u Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

Dear citizens of eSaudi Arabia,

I would like to announce that the Party President elections were a huge success, with Virus123, the official eSaudi candidate, getting all of the votes (100😵. Thanks to everyone who’s voted for the rightful

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