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it's late at night, and you're with gessho.

Tarde en la noche con gessho, embajador Estadounidense

0 Dan 909, 08:28 Objavljeno u Argentina Argentina

Queridos amigos, hijos de Roto, como estamos?

Una noticia importante a mi que ha pasado en la semana pasada: yo estuve elegido presidente del partido políticoAll-Nippon Animu

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wherein we talk about my political affiliaciones!

3 Dan 908, 06:36 Objavljeno u USA USA


So I have this political party now. All-Nippon Animu Club O___O. We plan to discuss LARPing, Japanese schoolgirl uniforms, and the exquisite beauty … čitaj više »

[Argentina] El gobierno nuevo Estadounidense

3 Dan 900, 20:35 Objavljeno u Argentina Argentina

Queridos eArgentinos,

Les mando saludos. Aquí les presentare el gobierno nuevo Estadounidense:

Presidente: Harrison Richardson
Vicepresidente: Chocolate McSkittles
Jefe de Personal: St Krems
Secretario de Defensa:

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[USA] Vote smart, vote Civil Anarchy!

3 Dan 896, 07:15 Objavljeno u USA USA

Harrison Richardson says we should elect him because he has experience in governing the eUS. He thinks that more of the same is exactly what we need.

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Vote smart, vote Civil Anarchy!

2 Dan 896, 06:59 Objavljeno u Argentina Argentina

Harrison Richardson says we should elect him because he has experience in governing the eUS. He thinks that more of the same is exactly what we need.

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