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The OFFICIAL newsletter of Thomas Killah

APP Bulletin: May 28

0 Dan 2,016, 12:09 Objavljeno u USA USA Političke rasprave i analize Političke rasprave i analize

Hey guys! The first battle of the US-Serbian war didn't end well, with us losing 34 to 87. A PotUS campaign article was finally published! It is from Paul Proteus announcing his preidential candidacy and releasing part of his cabinet: [url=http://

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APP Bulletin: May 27

0 Dan 2,015, 19:18 Objavljeno u USA USA Političke rasprave i analize Političke rasprave i analize

Ok, guys this will be the last bulletin until PotUS elections, unless something VERY IMPORTANT happens, since I will be focusing hard on getting information from Serbia, now that we are in a war. Also here is an article about [url=http://www.

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APP Bulletin: May 25

1 Dan 2,013, 09:41 Objavljeno u USA USA Političke rasprave i analize Političke rasprave i analize

Well, America's problems are getting worse every day now aren't they. Our PTO threat, cultural wars, political wars, etc. Anyways, speaking of PTO, it turns out that the AMP's have been PTO'ed. SO now we have MANY Serbians in congress, thanks to the

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APP Bulletin: May 24

0 Dan 2,012, 13:00 Objavljeno u USA USA Političke rasprave i analize Političke rasprave i analize

Hey! The Congressional Elections are taking place in 11 hours, so I wanted to remind you to vote for another party other than the AFA that is in the top 5 parties, like the Feds, AMP, USWP, or WTP. Ok don't forget when there is a resistance war in

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APP Bulletin: May 21

0 Dan 2,009, 17:12 Objavljeno u USA USA Političke rasprave i analize Političke rasprave i analize

Ok guys! We have just been ordered by the US government that we must not fight in any French RW's, for we are now returning their regions back to them.

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