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Krakkens Term(s) of Endearmints

37 Dan 2,467, 03:14 Objavljeno u Ireland Ireland Političke rasprave i analize Političke rasprave i analize

My most respected friends and colleagues.

I as Krakken announces my bid for Country President of our most beloved country eIreland.

We my friends stand before a rubicon. A rubicon that we must cross.

On the one side of the mountains we

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Krakkens Friend Thread

40 Dan 2,466, 03:05 Objavljeno u Ireland Ireland Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

We have 2 new missions. Second one is get 100 new friends.

So to facilitate this we will work with an old facebook method.


1. Vote this article. Else we dont see this article in the … čitaj više »

Throwing bananas at the monkeys

7 Dan 2,464, 15:30 Objavljeno u Ireland Ireland Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

Another article prompted this . The player complained that he spend 670 Gold and did not even once hit the jackpot 😠

For a person familiar with programming its easy to understan😛

This is the … čitaj više »

Breaking News: Mofs Asleep and Cordis Die

39 Dan 2,464, 07:32 Objavljeno u Ireland Ireland Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

My friends I recently learned of Cordis Die who had an Irish org. According to senior members of Cordis Nogin had nothing to do with it . But in the ultimate piece of irony Daniel Plainview aka L I G H … čitaj više »

Poor man Poor man :Understanding the current economy.

41 Dan 2,463, 07:05 Objavljeno u Ireland Ireland Analiza ratovanja Analiza ratovanja

I would say for COB. But Cob is so touchy these days since she became Country President. Brooklax Misses President Relax!

Ok for the benefit of governments with plenty of money and who gives little … čitaj više »