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My view of the New World

Hey, did i mention that...

10 Dan 1,031, 11:55 Objavljeno u Greece Greece

I am sitting here in front of my pc, Thursday night after a tiring day and just a block away a fucking merry festivity is taking place. They play full blast, live, traditional Pontian music (which I hate). This is going on for 3 hours now and I

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Yeah baby.

19 Dan 1,022, 14:49 Objavljeno u Greece Greece

Yeah baby, look at me. Still here after 2 years but I ain't quitting this game. I know I've been lazy and no so active, but during the summer I was mostly drunk and sleep deprived. I know some people and some people know me but Ι ain't part of no

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Wages (plus a tool... available only for a brief time)

14 Dan 966, 02:43 Objavljeno u Greece Greece

Top 5 μισθοί ανά επάγγελμα:
Top 5 wages by profession:


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V2 24 hour day tool (new big update)

48 Dan 960, 11:55 Objavljeno u Greece Greece

Shout it if you like it

Here is a big update, so let's call it V2 Tool.
- It is an xmls file🙁
- it is in English
- computes work booster
- computes library booster

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V1 is old history

17 Dan 959, 01:26 Objavljeno u Greece Greece

Χθες ήταν μια μεγάλη μέρα (και νύχτα) για τα παιδιά στο Υπουργείο Άμυνας. Πολλαπλές μάχες και συνεχώς νέοι στόχοι τόσο μέσα στον τακτικό στρατό όσο και στους πολίτες , ασυνήθιστες τακτικές όπως kami για όλους και μοίρασμα όπλων στον γενικό πληθυσμό.

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