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29 Dan 862, 06:09 Objavljeno u USA USA

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Sorry Alaska *update*

9 Dan 861, 16:29 Objavljeno u USA USA

As of this morning S.E.E.S declared war on Alaska. And at 4:30pm central We attacked. It didn't take us very long to rage through Alaska with our high-tech

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S.E.E.S declares war on Alaska

16 Dan 861, 13:50 Objavljeno u USA USA

After S.E.E.Ss victory in Poland all of S.E.E.S was very happy. But then we realized how much we had drained our funds. We had to pay for Tunneling equipment for Candor, our

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S.E.E.S's attack plan for poland.

15 Dan 859, 00:40 Objavljeno u USA USA

Check out SEES's cool hat

Pass it on.

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Winner of the jelly bean contest!

10 Dan 859, 00:26 Objavljeno u USA USA

Aldo the leopoldian won 5 gold! He guessed 1623. The number was 1621! Congrats!!!! … čitaj više »