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Uk rank 29. Responsibilities.

17 Dan 1,749, 09:44 Objavljeno u United Kingdom United Kingdom Političke rasprave i analize Političke rasprave i analize

That's a fact, and a 'An ounce of fact is worth a ton of theory'.
Countries like Ukraine (Ukrajina) or Colombia are far ahead of us. We should take
this a great shame. Truly, eUk player is competitive and openminded and he
doesn't mind to

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Ten points for not voting Magic Hereos (or is it Magic Oreos?)

32 Dan 1,746, 15:05 Objavljeno u United Kingdom United Kingdom Političke rasprave i analize Političke rasprave i analize

Ten reasons for not voting Magic Hereos for Magic... erm Country President.

1. The name reflects a poor personality. Either he cannot properly spell
'HEROES', either he's a MANGA fan, childish? (corrected typo childlish)

2. He's not going to

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eUK: a nation of merchants.

13 Dan 1,739, 08:16 Objavljeno u United Kingdom United Kingdom Financijsko poslovanje Financijsko poslovanje

United Kingdom, the real one, was always inventive and dynamic. Always it was eager to commerce and to bring wealth to the British Isles.

In fact, along with Netherlands, United Kingdom was the first one to make sea commerce a distintive

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Alphabethis for PM for Wales? Castles in Spain

11 Dan 1,738, 07:11 Objavljeno u United Kingdom United Kingdom Prvi koraci u eRepubliku Prvi koraci u eRepubliku

One of the most definitory lessons in life is that "you won't be like
by all people, no matter you do, and that's a pretty good thing to
happen". We all are born to be loved and liked, but life is imperfect
and unfair both in its development and

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Is eRepublik a feudal system?

25 Dan 1,734, 08:24 Objavljeno u United Kingdom United Kingdom Političke rasprave i analize Političke rasprave i analize

Many people regard feudalism with armoured knights, castles and tournaments with ladies waving handkerchiefs.
Well, feudalism is a form of government and production.( well economy and politics are faces of the same coin,
you can't name an

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