Ambijent uključi/isključi

Anti-cheating Program and Food Consumption

271 Dan 1,002, 08:08 Objavljeno u

Dear citizens,

At first we wanted to publish this article as an update but, due to the fact that it contains very important information, we decided to make a separate Insider.

Concerning the topic of a few users creating multi accounts in

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Questions and Answers Insider - Day 1000- UPDATE 1

424 Dan 1,000, 08:13 Objavljeno u

UPDATE 1, Day 1001, 02:30

Dear citizens,

On a security base you will be able to add texts in eRepublik only by using the BBcode not with html tags. This changes were … čitaj više »

Military updates and daily food consumption information - UPDATE 3

578 Dan 994, 09:52 Objavljeno u

UPDATE 3, Day 996, 08.50

Dear citizens,

This probably will be the last update to this Insider and we are planning tomorrow to focus on your questions in a Q&A Insider, like we’ve promised at the beginning of this week.
Right now we … čitaj više »

Day 1000 and other important updates

483 Dan 993, 08:00 Objavljeno u

Dear citizens,

As you probably know, the last days were filled with events. We will try to cover all the issues from last week in today’s Insider so bare with us because this will be a long road. We know that you've got used to the Monday

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Survey results and tickets' status [UPDATE 4 - Day 990]

432 Dan 988, 08:46 Objavljeno u

Update 4, 17:55 – Day 990 of the New World

Dear citizens,

As most of you probably noticed, we experienced again a security breach, this time exploiting a different vulnerability. Several country presidents were hacked and their … čitaj više »