Ambijent uključi/isključi

Leave for a vacation 国庆假期休假

7 Dan 678, 11:15 Objavljeno u China China

I have to absent for some days because of my RL long-distance travel tomorrow. After October National Day holidays I will return. In my travel days, I am afraid that the Internet connection will be inconvenience to me. I will try my best to go

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被占11省与当前18省 国土战略价值分析

22 Dan 676, 09:47 Objavljeno u China China

Sorry for lack of English Version.
I just want to tell Chinese players some basic geographic knowledge of this virtual country, such like which region connect to which region, blablabla.
So, no need to translate.

目前被占 11 省战略价值分析

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[MOFA]外交工作汇报 eChina Diplomacy Work Achieved Improvement

21 Dan 674, 00:01 Objavljeno u China China

在过去一个月 的时间 里,我们的外交 工作有了 很大进展。 我们已经 派出大使或者 建立大使馆 或者进行外交沟通 的有以下国家
In this month, Ministry of Foreign Affairs have made great improvement in our diplomatic work.
We have sent Ambassadors to or setup embassy in or get communication with the following

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铁/木进口税讨论 Import Tax Discussion for iron and wood

10 Dan 658, 08:02 Objavljeno u China China

Import Tax Discussion for iron and wood.
铁/木进口税讨论:全球竞争低 价 市场? 还是高关税 低效率产业?

Discussion between high import tax or low import tax on inefficient-productive iron and wood will not end.

As we all know, we have no high iron regions and no high

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[PRP]支持总统候选人 solotar / VOTE to solotar, Candidate of PRP & CDP

7 Dan 654, 23:17 Objavljeno u China China

PRP 支持总统候选人 solotar 的声明

NOTE : Solotar's article

说实话 ,PRP 确实曾经很犹豫支持谁作为 总统候选人。 正如我们都知道的现在是现 任总统 Snayke 的第三个任期。 我们认可 Snakye 在三个任期内为 eChina 所作出的贡献。 … čitaj više »