Ambijent uključi/isključi

The French , Canadians and the Irish!

5 Dan 1,495, 05:34 Objavljeno u United Kingdom United Kingdom Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

To those who read this i would like to encourage you to follow orders given by the Goverment and fight to your best ability we can win these invaders. And have fun killing the French and Irish and those Canadians.

He can be defeated

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Why vote me for North east

2 Dan 1,461, 11:33 Objavljeno u United Kingdom United Kingdom Političke rasprave i analize Političke rasprave i analize

So the congress election are in five days and i am running in North East of England for the People's Communist Party.

Just a few things about me,
In RL i live in Wigan.
I am the Captain of 1st Regiment in the People's Army.

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People's communist party! Why don't you come and join!

1 Dan 1,409, 10:26 Objavljeno u United Kingdom United Kingdom Političke rasprave i analize Političke rasprave i analize

Hello everyone its been a while since i last wrote an artical that was of much important is i believe the PCP is, i would like to say a few things … čitaj više »

Bamber's London manifesto

2 Dan 1,337, 09:14 Objavljeno u United Kingdom United Kingdom Političke rasprave i analize Političke rasprave i analize

Hello guys i am Bamber and i am running as a people communist party candidate in London.

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Thanks Uk citizens

3 Dan 1,253, 04:59 Objavljeno u United Kingdom United Kingdom Političke rasprave i analize Političke rasprave i analize

So the congress election ended and i am a congressmen this is the 3rd time but the 1st time in UK.
1 Aidizzle The Unity Party 11
2 Master Hofkens United Kingdom Reform Party 10
3 Bamber People's Communist Party 10
So here's the north

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