Ambijent uključi/isključi

Just sweep the dirt under the carpet

41 Dan 785, 07:24 Objavljeno u Hungary Hungary

I see that the new trend is to hide problems and errors rather then to fix them.

Take 1 – New Reporting System

Up until now we received feedback regarding sent reports. Even if they were not dealt in a timely manner we saw when the

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[France] Fight On!

113 Dan 780, 12:14 Objavljeno u Spain Spain

The situation looks really bad for France. I am sorry that Hungary rejected the Alliance with France. I was one of the Congress members who voted YES.

I know we had our differences in time, but I cannot forget the moments when we fought side by

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[Felicitari andyr] Ai castigat

35 Dan 777, 03:22 Objavljeno u Romania Romania

Dragi alegatori,

Doresc sa va multumesc pentru voturile primite pana in momentul de fata, si doresc sa il felicit andyr pentru victorie.

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[USA] The Voting Dilemma

72 Dan 776, 12:17 Objavljeno u USA USA


I know that voting is sexy, but because [url=http://www.čitaj više »

California Dreamin' of a Big Bang Theory

36 Dan 773, 10:45 Objavljeno u Hungary Hungary

I always thought that images say more then 1000 words, so this article will be something different, from you may have been expecting. Hope you have time to watch all movies.

Hungary attacked Romania without taking into consideration Christmas or

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