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Monday-Friday: An Article/Random Requests
Saturday: Weekly Power Rankings
Sunday: Around the World

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Building an Alliance for Dummies; Uniting Terra and EDEN (POWER)

8 Dan 1,668, 00:19 Objavljeno u Canada Canada Političke rasprave i analize Političke rasprave i analize

When I saw that longtime Terra member Brazil had decided to move on from their alliance, I immediately realized something very dire: we can't keep losing members. If you think about their reasoning for leaving, that they don't get enough attention

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Canada and EDEN; Why We Should Not Attack Ireland (Yet)

16 Dan 1,666, 20:42 Objavljeno u Canada Canada Političke rasprave i analize Političke rasprave i analize

Ah, I remember it as if it was just yesterday. Well, it was more like a week ago. 'CANADA LEAVES EDEN' was in bold print for the entire population of 400 men and women of the maple leaf to see. I immediately facepalmed and thought to myself, "What

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Make It or Break It! Why Italy's Gutsy Move Will Decide the War

3 Dan 1,665, 22:32 Objavljeno u Canada Canada Analiza ratovanja Analiza ratovanja

With the war not looking good for TEDEN, we needed to shake things up and catch our enemies off guard. With Slovenia and Poland pressuring on USA and Serbia fervently holding off repeated invasions, our allies needed an extra push to tip the scale

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Around the World #3; ONE 1, TEDEN 0

6 Dan 1,664, 16:55 Objavljeno u Canada Canada Analiza ratovanja Analiza ratovanja

So, how has the week passed in the New World? Who has made progress? Who has been dealt the scent of defeat? Find out in this week's edition of Around the World!


Iberian War

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Weekly Power Rankings #3; Facepalms Worldwide

12 Dan 1,663, 22:34 Objavljeno u Canada Canada Analiza ratovanja Analiza ratovanja

Welcome to another edition of the eRepublik Power Rankings! Here are the rules; the efforts of the top five countries this week will be recognized, and the five worst performances will be mocked, no exceptions! Countries are recognized for many

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