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Meet the Members of the 80th Congress

19 Dan 2,440, 11:31 Objavljeno u USA USA Političke rasprave i analize Političke rasprave i analize

Please join me in congratulating our 56 Congress Critters for the month of August. They represent all citizens of the eUSA and are drawn from the 5 top parties.

Feds: 17 representatives
US Workers: 14 representatives
American Military: 10

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Why should you vote?

16 Dan 2,439, 05:55 Objavljeno u USA USA Političke rasprave i analize Političke rasprave i analize

I've heard from many of my 2-clicker friends asking me what use is congress, why we should vote, and why is so complicated. So I have put together a short answer:

A 2-clicker (slightly biased) guide to voting for Congress.

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Congresscritter He?

7 Dan 2,432, 05:11 Objavljeno u USA USA Političke rasprave i analize Političke rasprave i analize

I started to title this article "Why I want to be in Congress." But words failed me, so I finally subtitled it

Why You Want Me to be in Congress

I'll keep it simple and short because, after all, I'm only a 2-clicker so the more words I

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John Largo Knows His DUTI

9 Dan 2,417, 11:11 Objavljeno u USA USA Političke rasprave i analize Političke rasprave i analize

Note, this article was originally posted a couple of days ago, but deleted by the gods for "pornography." I'm not sure if it was the word "DUTI," my beautiful staff members, or what. But clearly somebody has a very different idea of what porn is čitaj više »

Largo July '14!!!!!!

14 Dan 2,407, 17:26 Objavljeno u USA USA Političke rasprave i analize Političke rasprave i analize

Largo July '14!!!!!!

Last month, John Largo ran against a strong incumbent. Molly Emma is a good person … čitaj više »