The real House Trolls of eAus ep.1

Day 2,080, 16:56 Published in Australia Australia by Icetek
This was taken from Flatty's CP Run article.

"Short Verison:

International Affairs:
- Defence: Take back our regions with patience and unity (details on ADF must be read above, it was simply too complicated)
- Foreign Affairs: A focus on TWO and ensuring our allies are there with us by helping them, maintaining integrity internationally, no clear MPP stack because we can never be sure what may transpire over the term

Domestic Affairs:
- Education: Promotion through articles and welcome message, promoting the role of MUs and Politics in ensuring activity, complimented greatly by our successes in retrieving our regions
- Economy: Can be salvaged (if Plato gets his head out of his ass) by getting our regions back and giving more RMs for individuals and MUs alike to be more sufficient and become stronger
- Immigration: Kicked up the ass to keep the baddies out
- New and Large Senate I am excited to work with"


Now lets go threw it;

Defence: Take back our regions with patience and unity (details on ADF must be read above, it was simply too complicated) <<Started off good but failed.

- Foreign Affairs: A focus on TWO and ensuring our allies are there with us by helping them, maintaining integrity internationally, no clear MPP stack because we can never be sure what may transpire over the term << All i ever seen was a MPP stack, FAIL.

Domestic Affairs:
- Education: Promotion through articles and welcome message, promoting the role of MUs and Politics in ensuring activity, complimented greatly by our successes in retrieving our regions << Big FAIL

- Economy: Can be salvaged (if Plato gets his head out of his ass) by getting our regions back and giving more RMs for individuals and MUs alike to be more sufficient and become stronger << FAIL

- Immigration: Kicked up the ass to keep the baddies out << No idea

- New and Large Senate I am excited to work with << Is that a policy?

That being said he is running for a 2nd term, ok fair enough. Maybe this time he gets it right. Meanwhile we have a new player running for CP. Motivated, dedicated and ready to learn like a sponge.

Yet our old players are bashing him in his article, and then we all wonder why new players bairly run for congress and or scared to even take any political stances.

Buzz getting trolled on.

Whats even worse is its not 1 person, its like 3-4 of them, all bouncing off each other. So i guess trolling as a group is a fine yes? This is the true eAUS ladies and gentlemen.

Where old players run for CP, fail yet will still be voted on while young blood is shut down.

This is disgusting even for me, and Buzz i truly am sorry you have to go threw this. Trust me, if this was real life they would have been all 50 feet under in a nice ditch, but remember, they are all hiding behind a screen, only time they can say what they feel.

So those of you who still blame me for all the trolling etc, please do, but thank you for letting low life idiots like them get away with it, and on a new player too.

[10:22] <+Valentyme> [17:20] <+Flatty> It's official. Icetek has gone full retard. Never go full retard.
[10:22] <+Valentyme> I thought he has always been full retard???
[10:22] <+Flatty> lol
[10:22] <+Flatty> ralia-ep-1-2299617/1/20
[10:23] <+Flatty> I look forward to the 100+ votes this will get...
[10:23] <+Flatty> from people outside this country.
[10:24] <+Valentyme> Is it trolling if you are being serious?
[10:25] <+Flatty> the questions of the free world.

THIS IS LEADERSHIP AND MATURITY? THIS IS STABILITY? This is a immature kid who has a big head and nothing more. Flatty is a incompetent sore looser, got forbid you say something against him, he will go crying to who ever.

Flatty, newsflash, we all KNOW you are a super dooper ass kisser, we all know you are a puppet. You my friend are a fake and back stabbed a bunch of people who voted for you.

You got nothing done, so go on and live in your fantasy you did anything for eAUS. After all you know it all to listen to anyone's else advice, now get lose like the other losers and continue to troll on my articles because your ass got cut.

"Going full retarded" in eAUS is a compliment.
It means you have joined the ranks of the elites. You are now accepted as 1 of them.

Having no life
Being anti social/Having no real life contact
Looking like you just came out of a cave.
Not showering or using a comb.
Thinking you are King Shit on a video game.
Having deep emotional "feelings".
Learning to kiss ass at a pro/elite level.
Spell check others to make yourself look smart.
Being pro at jumping subjects to avoid being humiliated.
Trolling as a group and calling it "honesty".
Being able to leave the country and still have a say in eAUS politics.
Fail AT everything, but have the support of cronies to say "good job" and cover up the fact i am a total looser even on this game.
Having a online family to make up for not having any family who actually loves me in real life. Awwwwwww

I am honored to be apart of such a fantastic group!