Buzz for Country President of Australia!

Day 2,080, 00:35 Published in Australia Georgia by B u z z
Hello again mates!

I am very pleased to announce to you my candidacy for Country President/Prime Minister of Australia. These are trying times for our nation, and I believe I have what it takes to take on this monumental task. I want to thank my fellow KnightHawks for their tremendous support so far through my term as Party President, and I hope to be a CP to represent all Australians in the same way.

With my experience in Congress and Party President, I am well versed in the issues facing our country, and can provide a legitimate alternative in this upcoming election. With all due respect to Mr. Flatty, he has not been able to get the job done. I am sure he is a fine bloke, but I ask Australians to consider electing another man as their next CP. Now I will present my stances on some key issues for your consideration.
1. Occupation of Australia
-Our country has a long history of being harassed, invaded, and occupied by Indonesia. I will reach out to our allies in TWO to repel Indonesia from our nation for good and push for a full-scale invasion against them. We will need all Australians to coordinate militarily, as well as substantial support from foreign allies. I have numerous friends around the world who can assist us with the firepower we need to plant the Australian flag on Indonesian soil.

2. Immigration
-Our immigration system is fundamentally broken. I will propose an honor system in this regard. If our Congress decides that an individual approved by a Congressman is participating in activities harmful to the well-being of Australia, they will be warned. If this happens a second time, this individual should be barred from serving in Parliament. This will discourage approving for monetary reasons or without a good assurance of a persons character and qualities.

3. Supplies
-We must be more proactive with supplying our soldiers with the tools they need to win our war against Indonesia and any other enemies who invade our land. I will organize a campaign to have wealthier citizens donate supplies, and pool that with government funds. The Minister of Defence will be responsible for making sure that all who request supplies and use them appropriately continue to receive them.

4. Babyboom
-The hard truth is that Australia does not have the population needed to be successful. I will assign a team dedicated to trying to create a babyboom of real life Australian players. If we even managed to add a few hundred players to our nation, it would make a world of difference. This issue is often discussed and no one does anything about it. I will be the CP to actually get this done.

5. Personal Commitment
-To show how invested I am in the success of our country, I am pledging a 500 gold donation towards the next Australian military airstrike. I believe a leader should put his money where his mouth is, and that is exactly what I am going to do.

Anyway, I wanted to touch on a few key issues. I hope you will all consider voting for me. As your President I will be happy to include anyone in my government who wishes to participate, and I am always happy to take your questions or comments.

For the Glory of Australia!
B u z z
Candidate for CP