The Economist ~ Looking across the pond

Day 2,253, 11:55 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Spite313

Dear friends,

The USA is a big place. That’s what I always tell myself when I run through the list of trolls and generally unpleasant eUSA citizens I’ve had to talk to over the years. It’s a big place, and I shouldn’t judge the majority by the words and actions of a minority. In truth, over the years I’ve also met some great eMericans and even stolen a few of them away to the UK’s vicious heart. They’ve had their trials and tribulations, and have their flaws like we do. In fact we’re often accused of the same flaws - arrogance, unfriendliness and of course switching sides.

Well, such is life. For the past few months, ever since Serbia dropped out of the US war and left Poland to handle the occupation alone, the USA has been a good partner. They negotiated a treaty, which they respected. They communicated with people on our side of the pond. When the occupation finally ended, and Polish troops withdrew back to Europe, they didn’t take advantage, but rather approached us to extend the NAP for another month.

Now I think despite the deep-seated misgivings many of us in the UK have about our turbulent and hostile past relations with America, we can make some efforts to rebuild our relations. The threat of the USA’s presence has always been there for the UK- for a long time only the threat of a mass invasion from TWO kept them from steamrolling us for fun.

Nowadays, things are a little different. USA in the past would easily do five times our damage- now it’s more like double. At times, such as the Christmas competition, we even snuck up to sit right behind them in the country rankings. So whilst we’re not equals, we’re not (relatively) weaklings anymore.

We have had consistent good relations with several senior US officials, and the current CP is, believe it or not, SEKRIT BRIT SPY. We have a long history of RL Americans in the UK of course, and Emergy is probably the most trusted and liked guy in the UK. But Mr Owl is only the second Brit to perch his skinny behind on the American’s star spangled throne.

They’ve been helping us a lot in battles too - even before TWO went kaput there were American tanks doing billions in our campaigns. I’ve seen that repeated in the recent Canadian war, with many Americans supporting us in the conflict. Something I certainly appreciate considering doing so is overcoming a long period of hostility. For them so far, this hasn’t been a quid pro quo situation- they have given without any hope of gaining anything but goodwill. It would be churlish in the extreme not to grant them that.

Ergo I argue for an immediate MPP between the UK and the USA. Firstly to secure our Western border with an ally instead of a potential enemy. Secondly to build relations further with their leadership and citizens. Finally to repay them a debt of damage and gratitude which we owe them for their support in our wars.

Finally I’d also urge other governments involved in the NAP agreement with USA, who have also witnessed this good neighbourly spirit in person, to sign MPPs as well. The USA’s future as a nation might be uncertain, but what is certain is that they have shown us only goodwill since the end of the war. Time to build on that.
