Thank you for your support, I want your ideas too

Day 696, 10:04 Published in USA USA by ligtreb

I am in awe of all the support this country has given me. Yesterday, I asked for your help in taking over the Conservative Liberty Party, and you gave me more than I expected or needed.

At the time I published the article, I was losing 9-5. I ended up winning 27-12. That's a 22-3 stretch after publication.

I have temporarily re-named the party "Thank you for your support" but plan to change it soon to something for the lulz. Any ideas on what to re-name the party?

I plan to live up to my campaign promises. I will use the party gold to advertise for the good of the country, and would appreciate suggestions on what to advertise from all of you.

What I advertised last month (and think would be good to advertise again):

1) Department of Defense newspaper
2) An article about how to fight and use the hospital
3) The newspapers of President Gaius Julius and Vice President Jewitt

New ideas for what to advertise this month:

1) USA Welcoming Committee
2) An article targeted at people living at states other than California or Florida, encouraging them to move (this would be advertised only in states other than CA or FL).
3) Militia groups like the SEALS
4) Articles promoted by the Pony Express
5) White House Press Room newspaper

Seriously, I want your ideas. You voted me in, you deserve a say in what I advertise. The only catch is I need to advertise this before the 23rd, when I return to the USWP so I can run for Congress yet again (probably in D.C.)

Thank you for your support,
