Help me help this country

Day 695, 09:52 Published in USA USA by ligtreb

For the last three months, I've tried to help this country by finding inactive parties with gold, becoming their Party President and using the gold to advertise things this country needs. This month, I'm running to be the Conservative Liberty Party President, and I need your help, I'm currently losing by a few votes. (19;00 UPDATE: I'm way ahead now, thanks everyone!)

I do this for a good cause, and always ask people (and the President's cabinet for input). For example, last month I used Democratic Party funds to advertise:

1) The Department of Defense's newspaper
2) An article for newbs about how to fight and use the hospital
3) President Gaius Julius' newspaper
4) Vice President Jewitt's newspaper

If you all help me win the Conservative Liberty Party Presidency, that's 32 gold that can be used for good ads, not your run of the mill "join my party" or "vote for me" ads. If elected, I will once again ask the cabinet for input on what to advertise, and also hope to advertise for the Welcoming Committee and militia groups.

The Conservative Liberty Party is not an active party -- their forums have all of one post. Not one thread, one post. Neither of my opponents have registered on the eUS forums, and I've never seen them on IRC -- they're essentially two-clickers.

Help me for the lulz. The CLP was created by Ajay originally, let's give someone Ajay doesn't like the top spot in his old party!

Thank you for your support.