Saving the Best for Last!

Day 1,657, 10:31 Published in Ireland Turkey by Ethel Rosenberg

As June 5th draws near, the time has almost come for you, the voters, to make your decision on who will be your next CP.

I hope that I have shared enough about me so that you can confidently vote for me. However, it is not all about me – it is about my leadership abilities and my ability to gain a consensus with those I work with over the course of my 30-day term.

I think that the thing that will speak the loudest about my leadership abilities begins with the people I have chosen to help me lead eIreland. It was important to me that this team will work hard for eIreland – I believe they will – they have all proven their dedication to eIreland in many ways. This team will help me represent all of you in our little eWorld. They are a team I am proud of – with some new faces that I look forward to getting to know better over the course of the month. However, even though some are new faces to me, I believe they will be familiar faces to you.

I present your Leadership Team for eIrelan😛


Minister of Foreign Affairs:

Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs:

Marcus Suridius

Minister of Finance:
Sweet Drinker

Minister of Defense:

Minister of Defense Team:
Thanatos the Magnificient
Matko Gljiva

Ministry of New Citizens:
Winston Hope Smith

Ministry of Community:
James Keiller
Patrick O’Leary
Sir Arthur William Curry

First Gentleman:
Yddub Emwolb and his horse

Advisors to the entire Team:

In closing, I have watched past eIreland CP elections and the vote always seems to be close and I do not expect it to be different this time. I do, however, wish my opponent, Winston Hope Smith, the best of luck.

Nevertheless, I would be honoured if you would cast your vote for me on the 5th.

If you have not read my previous campaign articles, you can find them here:
A Stonger eIreland
Ethel for CP

Hail Ireland!

Ethel Rosenberg

A special thank you to CFovetS for his help with my campaign banner.