Ethel for CP

Day 1,651, 14:12 Published in Ireland Turkey by Ethel Rosenberg

My name is Ethel Rosenberg and I am announcing my candidacy for Taoiseach of eIreland.

For those of you who do not know of me, I began my eLife just over a year ago in eCanada. While there I served 6 times as a congressperson, I also served as MoFA under aeriala and 4 times under Addy Lawrence. I came to eIreland in March and have been working here as MoFA under ChewChewShoe and as Co-MoFA with Columbia under IBhoy and Padraig. I help give out weapons on a regular basis on #IrishArmy and I am an active member of EDEN. I am a proud member of the ICA and you have elected me to congress once since I came to these
shores. I also served as PP of the Irish Progressive Party here and was PP several times during my eCanada tenure.

However, does any of that qualify me to be CP? I think that is a good question for every voting citizen to ask – I hope to provide some answers here for you.

Leadership and Foreign Affairs

I believe that good leaders are those who are able to bring everyone’s ideas to the table and put them together in such a way the idea becomes the sum of its many parts. A good leader listens carefully.

I have learned these things very well over the many months I have served as MoFA – being a good listener who can bring together diverse ideas and opinions to find a consensus that works for everyone. Working together with Columbia has expanded my abilities as I learned from her. She had a vision for the Ambassadors of eIreland, and I brought her vision to what we currently have – a team with new leadership and organizational structure under, reporting to Foreign Affairs. It is my goal to continue to increase the numbers and the participation of the Ambassadors serving.

I would also like to continue to strengthen our ties with our TEDEN friends and allies. Our alliances are only as strong as the friendships we have, I will work to continue to strengthen eIreland’s reputation and influence within EDEN.

I also will uphold the Treaty that Chew-Chew-Shoe forged with the UK – the exchange of territories will serve each of us well, and not being at constant war with the UK will help us look to new horizons for opportunity.


This was perhaps my weakest point, but as MUFC92 will tell you, I have been working hard to learn this aspect of the game. I now feel much greater confidence in the military strategy in this game.

However, I still have much to learn, but I hope to expand the Ministry of Defense and it is my belief that what eIreland is currently doing in giving out weapons to her citizens is a very good thing for all of us! The strength of eIreland will continue to grow under this plan and I do not intend to abandon it.

As we stand on the brink of war with Sweden, the strength and unity of our citizens will be vital as we move forward. However, we witnessed yesterday the greatness of our unity as we came back from being down 5 rounds to winning in Nordjylland! This speaks volumes for the will and spirit of us all! When we have a common goal, we can accomplish great things!! I will look to the insight and wisdom of my MoD team to continue to move us forward.


eIreland has been fortunate to have a constant guardian looking after her finances. I first met Sweet when I was serving as aeriala’s MoFA. Sweet is truly a gifted and resourceful money handler. I defer to Sweet Drinker’s knowledge of all things financial, especially since I have found success at some of the programs he has shared with all of us. I will work with Sweet to continue the growth of eIreland’s finances.


The thing I love most about eIreland is the ability to laugh at ourselves and just have some fun! I will be continuing in spreading the fun and the laughter here in eIreland.

I would appreciate your support in my candidacy for Taoiseach, and it would give me great honor if you would vote for me on June 5th

Hail Ireland!

Ethel Rosenberg

A special thank you to CFovetS for his help with my campaign banner!