Day 5,051, 03:22 Published in USA Ireland by Songtsan Gampo

Bonded by Sand, I recollect my past in the New World. I am humbled by my time in Pakistan where no one in the world cared for us. Three-to-Four long years of complete subjugation by the fake-Chinese. No one cared, literally no one.

We fought for years alone and the only thing to change our lot in life were the new determination rules. I have been barred entry into other countries that I attempted to help in the past but now I am in Pigdiscusting Amerikkka.

The Special Forces is gone, any semblance of the countries former Military under Emerick has been exhausted. Now its a good-old-boy's carnival show. I see that they have finally been liberated from CODE, after changing Alliances like a young lady swaps out wet tampons.

Everywhere there are inglorious bastards.

I'll keep this on topic, currently there is a Dictatorship in Nippon. He was for sale not long ago for 1700 USD. No one wanted to buy him so he has decided to reign in as some sort of benevolent ass-hat. I helped that nation in the past, and wanted citizenship. I am, however, seen as a threat in some way so my help was rejected.

The indigenous rebel weeaboos in Nippon have become complacent and quite frankly heartless. I lead them three times towards freedom against difficult odds and won. They have no fight left in them now, shriveled ball-sacks that they are.

I need fighters to free Nippon. I need warriors willing to expand consciousness in Dio's name, and reclaim the lands of Emperor Kokawayoshi Makoto. In the name of great justice we can make a realm of peace once more.


I ask you. Do you want to go on an adventure?
