I say this every month

Day 1,029, 12:29 Published in USA USA by ligtreb

I know I say this every month, but in August, everyone finally got to see why I keep writing this.

Enemies of the state will likely try to PTO (Politically Take Over) us during tomorrow's Party President elections. If these foreigners succeed and win any of the Top 6 parties, it will make it easier for them to put enemies on the Congressional ballot in every state and get them elected, potentially resulting in our Congress no longer being able to fund our military or renew alliances, crippling our national defense.

We need all of you to help keep America safe from PTO. Hold your vote on Wednesday as long as possible, at last log-in, vote for one of the endorsed candidates in this article if no news has been updated by reliable sources about a PTO.

In August, foreigners with USA citizenship tried to PTO each of our Top 5 parties, but we were able to stop them. However, they were close enough to taking over S.E.E.S that our attention drifted away from the 6th party and Pizza the Hut, who the CIA says is the #1 threat to this country, was able to win the Conservative Party's presidency.

You wouldn't think this would be a big problem, since only the Top 5 parties can run people for Congress, but Pizza the Hut's party was able to get enough people into the top 5 using unlawful methods. Luckily, the admins ruled correctly in August, but there's no guarantee they'll continue to do so.


I ask that all Americans be willing to switch parties tomorrow, if only for a minute or two while voting. If your party is safe, help out another, then go back to yours. For America to continue to be strong, we need the top six parties to be loyal, not run by enemy combatants from Phoenix.

I know the people at #ato on IRC will be more than happy to help you figure out who to vote for.

United States Workers Party: Fionia

Fionia is the incumbent, and there is evidence that Emmanuel Cruise has been working with Pizza the Hut.

Federalist Party: Greene12

Greene12 is not only the endorsed candidate, he's awesome.

S.E.E.S.: rainy sunday

rainy sunday is the official candidate. chickensguys' citizenship request was originally approved by Pizza the Hut.

United Independents Party: Justin McCravok

Justin McCravok is the endorsed candidate, the other candidate is unknown.

Amer. Defense and Trade Party: Indrae

It appears that Indrae's opponent has quit the game.

Conservative Party: Claire Littleton

EDIT: The government has chosen to back Claire Littleton for this spot.

Final thoughts

Again, please hold your vote until your last log-in on Wednesday. Please go to #ato on IRC if you can, if you can't, follow trusted sources in the media and vote for one of the candidates above.

Newspapers to trust:

DoD Orders
FEC You, America
The Hanging Chad
White House Press Room
President Krems' newspaper

Thank you for reading.