A bunch of kids, all of ya...

Day 1,582, 08:46 Published in Romania Romania by Wallachian

Yesterday I was relieved to read that the new SC finally reached a conclusion on the Turkish matter. They were simply kicked out of trial [or whatever the heck that thing was that they were]. A simple solution to a 4 months lingering issue. Was it so hard to do?

Today, however I was surprised to see how a bunch of EDEN citizens from Greece who fell for the Turkish propaganda decided to move the conflict further down by NE-ing Bulgaria. Stupidity really knows no boundaries.

This whole Turkish issue was the creation of a handful of people. Romper came with the idea of how to gain extra damage at all costs. His puppets from the EDEN HQ - Oles, Hoffa and Zdlemmy, and some Turkish representatives put it in practice by lying, deceiving and manipulating thousands of people. The EDEN HQ members were not informed. The EDEN Country Presidents were lied, threatened and manipulated in a summit followed by a failed propaganda to indoctrinate everybody in EDEN. Even the Turks were lied. They were promiced 1 month of "normalizing" relationship followed by full membership. There was no such decision made in that summit.

What followed everybody knows - huge amounts of accuses, trolling, hurt feeling on all sides - countries accusing eachother, fighting eachother, territories lost and an old brotherhood of nations going down the slope. I guess we can finally recognise that there is no brotherhood anymore. We became worse than ONE. They act like rats in between eachother while we act like dogs fighting for a bone.

So you can all stop now. You have been played for suckers. Congratulations! While regular Bulgarians are fighting regular Croats in a RW and while Greece is declaring NE on another EDEN member, the true culprits are alive and well. It`s not the regular Bulgarian who voted in favor for Turkey joining EDEN, it was a limpdick president who was not even present there but represented by KoHaH, an MC trainee to Hoffa. And like that was not enough, the Irish representative to the summit was told smth along the lines: "If you don`t vote yes, we will bring somebody else from Ireland to vote as we tell him to..."

And the sheep took it for granted. The masters sing and you dance as they tell you to... Bulgarians, Irish and Canadians vs. Greeks, Croats and Ukrainians. Just like in RL a handfull of people have the power and everybody else is stuck in the rat race trying to earn a living. It`s precisely what is going on in here as well.

I see Romanians and Greeks accusing Bulgarians of hypocrisy but god forbid Romper decides to bring Hungary or FYROM into EDEN then, because that would not be "fair". It`s fair only if Bulgaria sacrifices itself for the Turkish extra damage.
But you see, a Greek will never accept FYROM in EDEN. Very unlikely Romanians would accept Hungary or Croats accept the Serbs. I call that double standards.
Want to prove me wrong? Bring Serbia, FYROM and Hungary in EDEN too. Why the hell not? IT`S ONLY FAIR!

Anyway, in here just like in real life you get what you deserve. You put some immoral and unethical power hungry sharks in control and you went to sleep and then you wonder how come everything goes to hell and how come your own life is not YOURS anymore. This is not a game as much as a social simulator and the lessons you learn [if you do] here in Erepublik can be helpful on the other side just as well.

You chose wrong. You were tricked. You made a mistake. It happens to all of us.
Well, if you have a little bit of brain you will wake up and realize its not the Bulgarian who`s your enemy, or the Greek, or the Finn. They are simple pawns in the same rat race as yourself. Those to blame are the ones you put in control and who deceived your expectations. Declaring war or attacking another EDEN country proves only what a limited intelect you have and how good you play the slave role.

The ball is on your side of the field. Be a lion or be a sheep, it`s all in your power. Build something enduring or destroy everything we did so far. It`s only human...