[R&A] [外電]芬蘭消息 & EDEN公告

Day 1,737, 11:15 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by strangerthe


原文連結:[Valtio tiedottaa / Governmental Announcement of eFinland]

Dear allies.

After discussions and finally a congressional vote, eFinland has decided to resign from EDEN-alliance, and to join neutral Northern Alliance.

Our resignation became official today 14.8.2012 at 18pm.

We will keep our MPP's running during the transition period, if it is possible, until the new alliance is fully functional. This is to ensure our firepower until the alliance itself is ready.

Our official army has seized EDEN-operations. Until further notice we will do operations only in eFinland's battles. Our people are allowed to fight in MPP-battles. However, we won't fight under EDEN command.

Fighting against our MPP countries is not adviced.

We thank EDEN for everyhting. We do not resign in anger, but because we want change.

The President of eFinland,
Zacharia Raven
Zacharia Raven

a fresh start

原文連結:[TNT] The winds of change are upon Europe
原作者:Chucky Norris

We live in interesting time, or at the very least, allegiances are in motion as we speak. A few days ago, a new alliance was created, the Nordic Alliance. This new has seen very little coverage in the American media, this is why I'd like to present you what it is and what it means for America. As well as an information that will change the eWorld forever! Euh, maybe not, but still...
我們身處在一個有趣的時代,至少,我們的忠誠言行一致。幾天前,一個新的聯盟 - 北歐聯盟(Nordic Alliance) - 誕生了。美國媒體只披露了少數的消息,這也是為什麼我想要在此跟你們介紹它是什麼以及它對於美國代表著什麼。此外這個消息也將永遠的改變這個e世界!嗯,或許不會,但仍然…

The alliance new flag? Lacks a little bit of finnish in it!

This new alliance would consist of Sweden, Finland and Norway. A triumvirae that would form the core of the alliance, at this point there has been no plan of expansion in the foreseable future. And this alliance will have for natural ennemy the alliance ABC, a pro one faction composed of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. Considering the size of both these alliances, it could be an interesting match up should they go head to heads (without MPP would be far better even!).

A problem arise however if you look at this new alliance and it's past allegiance. Both Finland and Norway were founding members of EDEN and Finland decided to leave a few days ago. Norway might be just a few days away from doing the same. You can see more about it in this article written by the finish president. Boyan also wrotte an article (in Bulgarian only) in the bulgarian Media with an interesting screenshot taken straight from the norwegian forum.

*Credits to Boyan for the picture

It is interesting to know that Poland and the US as well as CROmania are all MPP that shouldn't be renewed. They have claimed that they wanted to stay neutral for the momment, thus we can think that why they won't MPP the US is mainly so that Sweden won't MPP Poland. Maybe more NO MPP will be added in order to instill a true balance, like Serbia, Hungary or even Indonesia. A reasonable argument in order to reach a true neutrality. It will be interesting to see how this will evolve in the Scandinavian conflict since ABC is not looking like they will part way with their PRO-one MPP stack.
有趣的是,波蘭、美國以及克克狂熱分子都簽了不應該被重簽的MPP。他們宣稱他們想要在此時保持中立,因此我們可以認為它們不和美國簽訂MPP是瑞典不和波蘭簽訂MPP的主要原因。或許此聯盟不會增加其他MPP,如塞爾維亞、匈牙利甚至是印尼的MPP,以維持真正的平衡。這是為了達成平衡的合理論述。觀察斯堪地那維亞衝突在ABC不脫離親ONE MPP的情況下將會如何演變是件有趣的事情。

This new alliance will surely bring more focus of these nation on their regional war theater and I can understand why they would like this new approach. In order to reinvigorate their communnity these regional conflict will surely help. Althought we have seen much war of Estonia/Latvia vs Finland, it should be interesting how will sweden act on it's own war theater. Sweden has a border with Latvia and Lithuania. Or maybe would they like to taken on Russia to oust them from Norwegian territory? Only future will tell us what will really come out of it. For the US it is of little consequence for the momment as we rarely go in that region of the world. Althought I could see the US having friendly relation with this new nordic trio. They would surely share a certain interest of regional conflict that we have had a trend here in the US.

More troubling news...

It seem that the unthinkable might be happening. The balkans could be uniting under a single banner in order to attain their military goal. There has already been a NAP between Romania, Serbia and Hugnary, which can only lead to a cesation of hostility. There has also been a rumours that Croatians have been approached by the 2 super power of the former ONE alliance mentionned earlier. And talks of a Balkan super alliance are growing in the streets of erepublik. If such an alliance would become operational, it would have plenty of room to expand it's border, starting by all the weaker nation that surrounds the balkans, like Italy, switzerland, Albania, Bosnia and many more. I don't know about you, but if I was one of those smaller nation right now, I'd be shaking in my boots about the possible ramification of a balkan alliance!

Turbulence inbound for europe!

And as for Eden, the cumulative shock of the Nordic Alliance and the Balkan alliance might lead to the final blow to Eden. After standing for more than 3 years, this alliance will have had just too many crisis to continue on any longer. I have to commend them in a certain way thought, for lasting that long compared to other alliance that said that they would outlive them.

We can also wonder what will happen with the rest of the world. The remnant of the european ONE nation. Will they rally to whichever side will offer them most? What of the scraps that once made TERRA? France, Germany, Canada and Russia will all have a choice to make in the coming weeks.

And what about the good ol US of A? With alliance crumbling around us, with allegiance swirling around with the wind, we will have many options. There is now a lot more partners out there to dance with since we seem to be going slowly away from the Cold war frame of Foreign Affairs. Althought it might only be for a short time, we should enjoy every single day of it. We live in interesting time indeed!

Until next time!

原文連結:New HQ, New Start, New Hope.

New EDEN HQ has been selected!

We are proud to inform that on day 1727 EDEN summit has chosen us new EDEN.HQ! Here is the new administration below:

Atracurium - Supreme Commander

Nenya - assistant Supreme Commander
Valkirya Vala - assistant Supreme Commander
Justino Figueiredo - assistant Supreme Commander
Ethel Rosenberg - assistant Supreme Commander
Perfect.Knight - assistant Supreme Commander
TTi09 - assistant Supreme Commander
Frojla - assistant Supreme Commander

diuras - Military Organiser
Ronisu - Military Organiser
Oles Kurivchak - Military Commander
Turturica - EMC Commander/assistant Military Commander
Lord Vaako - assistant Military Commander
Dihenekis - trainee for assistant Military Commander
Andres Saavedra reborn - trainee for assistant Military Commander

Antska - Public Relations Organizer

rapaz_avr - Economy Organizer

New EDEN.HQ thanks last HQ for its dedication and hard work! We will continue from here and work hard for the brotherhood!

Here is some well wishes to the new HQ:

LadyArgana CP of Greece: Hopping this will be a productive month with co-operation, eGreece congratulates for their election the new HQ and wishes them, the best with victories for all allies
Victoria Aut Morse o7


Kushtrimzz CP of Albania: "Congratulations to the new EDEN HQ,I wish you luck and success,and hope you reach your goals this term".
阿爾巴尼亞總統Kushtrimzz: “恭喜新司令部。祝你們好運、成功,以及希望你們在任內能完成你們的目標。”

van Spijck CP of Netherlands: The government of the eNetherlands wish the new EDEN HQ good luck in these challenging times, and wishdom in her decisions.
荷蘭總統van Spijck: e荷蘭政府祝新EDEN司令部在這充滿挑戰的時刻能夠擁有好運,並期望他們能夠做出睿智的決定。

Freegigi CP of Romania: I wish all the best for the new Eden HQ , and romania will stand by them with all they have
羅馬尼亞總統Freegigi: 誠摯的獻上我的祝福給薪EDEN司令部,此外羅馬尼亞將為他們奉獻全部。

Finland has left EDEN

Last week Finland has offically decided to leave EDEN. Finlands own announcement you can read here. Finland is pursuing to create a new alliance with Sweden and Norway.

EDEN is sad to see one brother to drop out from our brotherhood, but we wish all the best for Finland and their effort in new Nordic Alliance

JOIN The ATO Effort!

By the request of EDEN HQ, an ATO squad is to be formed in order to help member countries to fight back PTO threats. To do this, we ask citizens of EDEN to join the ATO squad, contribute and help the countries in need! Today you help your brother, and tomorrow they will help you!

To join the ATO squad, please fill out this form: http://tinyurl.com/9usong7

For more information, visit #Valkirya @Rizon or send a PM to Valkirya Vala.
想要獲得更多資訊的話,請至Rizon裡的#Valkirya頻道,或寄信給Valkirya Vala。

Valkirya Vala & Ethel Rosenberg, Assigned aSC to this Matter
負責人:最高司令官助理Valkirya Vala及Ethel Rosenberg