[CP] NAP - Ro-Ser-Hun

Day 1,730, 13:21 Published in Romania Australia by FreeGigi
Tratatul de la Timisoara


In data de 15 august (day 1730 eRep) ni s-a propus de catre Serbia si Ungaria sa luam in considerare eventualitatea semnarii urmatorului NAP, dupa mai multe runde de negocieri anterioare:

Today, on the 15th of August 2012, Serbia, Hungary and Romania agree on signing the NAP treaty that will be known as the “Timisoara Treaty”. By signing this document , all the parties agree to the following terms:

1. All current wars between the signing parties must be closed in the next 48 h after signing this document.
2. None of the involved parties will be allowed to NE each other during the duration of this agreement.
3. Serbia will be allowed to keep the region of Muntenia until the 19th of August and Dobrogea until the 22rd of August.
4. Serbia will return the Romanian regions in the following order : Transilvania, Bucovina, Moldova, Banat and Oltenia. Until the 19th Serbia will return Muntenia and until the 22thd Dobrogea.
5. Our armies can fight in allies MPP’s battles without conditions.
6. This agreement is valid until 6th of September 2012 - 6:00 eRepublik Time, with an autoextended option until one of the parties involved expresses the will not to extend it. Parts 3 and 4 are only valid for the first signing of the agreement.

Signatures :
CP of Serbia ~ Strahinjic Banovan
CP of Hungary ~ Laurh
CP of Romania ~ FreeGigi

Am analizat aspectele acestuia si l-am propus spre dezbatere in SMR in sedinta de la ora 21 . In urma votului din SMR , s-a decis acceptarea acestuia. Prin prisma acestor considerente guvernul Romaniei ratifica acest acord.

Cu respect,
Freegigi CP Romania