【MoFA】 TOTP: The foreign affairs edition [3/3]

Day 3,728, 03:02 Published in United Kingdom North Macedonia by Foreign Office
Please don't assume this is a complete history of our foreign affairs: these countries make up, IMO, some of our strongest relationships, be that good, or bad.
Article 1: 10th-8th
Article 2: 7th-4th

3r😛 Hungary and Poland

It might, at first, seem odd to include two countries that are pro-Pacifica as 'allies' on this list: but both of these countries were at one point our strongest allies in the game. Whilst that is no longer the case, the effect they had on our position in the game, and on our country as a whole, is undeniable. It's also ironic that not only do these two countries share third place on my list, but they're also a focal point of contention as allied partners in Pacifica that don't always see eye to eye. Their relationship with the UK is also intertwined in a gruesome threeway that corresponds with their own moves amongst alliances.

Hungary, were for all intents and purposes, our strongest allies during our time spent in PEACE and Phoenix[/b]. At that time, one of the driving forces for the opposing side (EDEN). Not only did they invade us for trying to help out France, they also gave us a less than flattering nickname. Ultimately, they had a point: we pride ourselves in being a small, and loyal, nation.

Ironically, after that MPP failure despite having such a handsome CP at the time, we did manage to eventually push through an MPP, and our brotherhood with Poland began. So whilst we did almost get wiped by them, gangbanged by EDEN who relied heavily on their damage, and were constantly trolled for bending over backwards for Hungary and Serbia, ultimately we snuggled up to them afterwards, and became pretty great friends. The golden times for the UK, were in some cases, wholly reliant upon Polish help, and Polish soldiers. We even elected A polish guy as our President this one time.

I put both nations as joint third on this list, because ultimately both helped us significantly on the battlefield, and behind closed doors in the corridors of power. So whilst we find ourselves fighting against Hungary, as we support our Lithuanian, Bulgarian and Macedonian allies, we cannot ignore history: they were cool allies in the past.

However, whilst both nations did help us for a period of time, neither could be higher than third, as current relations are almost non-existent, and whilst we had strong bonds with both nations, neither were as lasting or enduring as other allies on this list. A joint placing of third is recognition for the help they gave us in the past, and as recognition that during their peak, both nations basically had the power to rule the game.

Key events: the retreat of Scotland (to let Hungary invade North America), the tactical attacking and retreating of regions to allow Hungary to move across regions they had MPPs with, and take Chinese regions that were resource-rich at the time, Polandball games, Hungary-Poland war, entrance to ONE.

2: USA

Included predominantly as an enemy nation, I must first add that we did have short periods of friendship with the USA: during ATLANTIS and Terra. However, aside from those brief periods, we've essentially been at loggerheard with 'MURICA for the rest of the time. Whilst we have a somewhat cordial relationship now, ultimately I cannot really see a time or a place for anything other than frosty relations with the USA. As a nation, they are undoubtedly powerful: but not powerful enough to be a gamechanger. Despite this, they presume to be one, with their recent AS on Croatia just one example on a long list of actions that were doomed to fail.

We've essentially stopped counting how many times we've been at war as it's essentially a dead-given. We've had Americans as CP: they've had Brits: but these players predominantly live and stay abroad. The only example I can think of, of an in-game American, who chose to move to the UK, is shadow, who essentially tried to setup a CIA-esque clusterfuck that basically turned into McCarthyism.

All in all, I really do struggle to find a good point in relations between the UK and the US: even when we were allied, things were strained. There's never been a hugely fantastic rise or fall in our relations, so they reach number 2 purely because this rivalry is longer than any of our positive relationships.

Key points: Woldy lead mini-invasion, jamesw lead mini-invasion, UK retreat of Scotland, WORLD ON FIRE (1&2)

1: Serbia

Without a shadow of a doubt, our strongest, longest lasting, and best ally. Not only are they one of the heaviest hitters in the game, they're also one of the most selfless when they want to be. I can count at least 7 different invasions we suffered, where Serbia pretty much bailed us out single handedly.

Our relationship with Serbia started on the back of relations with Hungary: and the reason they're included on this list in third, does not ignore the fact without the support of Hungarian officials, we would never have started relations with Serbia. Ultimately, on their day, Serbia rules this game. There are internal conflicts, and the huge cost to arm and mobilise their armies has crippled them at times in the past, but on the whole, this game is theirs to rule, so long as they aren't alone. Even alone, they can at least match most other nations when they fully supply. The competitive nature of Serbian politics has often lead to groups leaving and creating satellite states, who stay in the Serbian sphere of influence. Or, leads to their citizens joining allied nations in positions of power: when we accidentally became an economic superpower, it was thanks to the hard work and dedication of a Serbian member of our government.

Outside of this, the best way to sum up our relationship with Serbia, is pretty simple: when we need them, they're normally there. And if they aren't able to be there then, they'll get us free in the coming days anyway. As well as this, thanks to Serbian introductions and pressure, we eventually thawed our icy relations with Romania, and Polan😛 and whilst there's still a lot of work to do with the former, we were aligned with Poland during their prime, only thanks to Serbian influence. It says a lot that the moment we left Terra, Serbia welcomed us back with open arms: showing we aren't just allies, there's a genuine friendship involved.

To finish this series of articles, I'd like to run through the top 10 one more time, with what is in my opinion, the thing that exemplifies our relations with each nation involved.

10: Germany - We got ourselves wiped trying to save them from Polish-Spanish invasion, and left an alliance because they wouldn't support Germany after invasion from Sweden.

9: Canada - After them almost wiping us, we used bugs in the game mechanics to basically steal their treasury and use the money to pay for our return to the map.

8: Slovenia - Despite being allied with Croatia at the time, we regularly refused to fight in various Croatian-Slovenian wars, and ultimately got blacklisted from EDEN MPPs because of this.

7: Ireland - They had to put up with BigAnt.

6: France - Sacrificed ourselves and lost London for the first time (At that time, London was the only region that had never been conquered) to try and save France from being wiped with no congress.

5: Lithuania - Allowing their Military Units to move en masse without a second thought, the moment they got wiped (by Poland), and then again when we became an economic superpower.

4: Spain - Doing this, even though it was never going to work

3: Hungary/Poland
- For Hungary, their support during PEACE-GC, and their veiled 'thin red line' that stopped Poland/Spain invading us after they'd wiped Germany and France.
- For Polan😛 their support and help to allow us for the first (and probably last time) to get 100% weapons bonuses.

2: USA - Keep making redcoats jokes guys, never gets old.

1: Serbia - During one of the most intense battles in the history of the game, for liaoning, not only did we almost bankrupt our military by oversupplying, and hitting three times our normal daily damage we also gave them 5000 gold (at the time, we made about 90 gold per day) to help them fund the defence of this battle. Basically, they asked the CP at the time (oh hey, it's me again!) if we could help. I gave them 5000 Gold that they repaid over a 6 month period. For comparison, Russia, which had an income roughly 10x the size of ours, gave less than we did.

That brings my summary of the history of our relationships within eRepublik to a halt. Outside of the top 10 listed here, I'd also like to give honorable mentions to the following nations, who may not feature on this list, but have had a huge hand in our history: Macedonia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania and Indonesia (as allies), and Argentina, Columbia, Latvia, The Netherlands and Sweden, who have all at some time or another, tried (or succeeded) in wiping us off the map, or taking part in gangbangs.

Minister of Foreign Affairs