【MoFA】 TOTP: The foreign affairs edition [1/3]

Day 3,722, 02:28 Published in United Kingdom North Macedonia by Foreign Office
Please don't assume this is a complete history of our foreign affairs: these countries make up, IMO, some of our strongest relationships, be that good, or bad.

10: Germany.

Surprising to most, as relations with ze Germans have cooled as of late, but we have had quite a long history with our German brothers. The root of this, begins with what many at the time regarded as a mistake, when we supported them in the third Swedish-German War. Germany and Sweden has had a long and somewhat troubled history in game, before this point Germany had been PTO'd by a Swedish spy, who basically bankrupted Germany, and gave all their regions to Sweden. The third war, though, was after Germany had been accepted to our alliance at the time ATLANTIS. They were accepted as a trial member, for a period of one month. However, during this time, Presidential elections happened. The incoming Swedish President was elected on an invade ze germans platform, and thus did so. The whole of the alliance, except the UK either stayed neutral, or decided to support Sweden. We ultimately left ATLANTIS, for a period of neutrality afterwards. This signalled the start of troubling times, especially in relation to our relations with The USA, Romania and Poland. Ultimately, this decision to support Germany, began a chain of events which ultimately lead to us disliking, and being disliked, by the USA for the best part of 9 years.

All in all, UK-DE had a decently strong relationship for the best part of 5 years, during PEACE, ONE and Terra. After that, things tailed off, and we've had no real relationship since, but there are memorable fights and huge amounts of help from both side.

Key events: UK defence vs Sweden, UK tanking vs Poland (dishmcds), UK strikes vs Poland (second time).

9: Canada

Second only to the US in terms of the number of wars we've had with them, our canuck neighbours to the north have been an ally for a vast minority of the eRepublik world. With various battles, including an almost wipe (but for the amazing work of this handsome devil, Canada has for the best part of the game, been a thorn in our side. Although there were various highlights in relations, especially under the leadership of TemujinBC, ultimately we've almost always found ourselves on the other side of the playing field to our maple syrup bros. Things went quite well to begin with, with both of us joining the aforementioned ATLANTIS, with further time together spent during our short stint in Terra. Ultimately though, this relationship is defined by bickering and mutual invasions over the years. Ultimately, Canada has a legitimate bone to pick with us, as it was our conversion to PEACE-GC that lead to them being wiped by various countries for a substantial amount of time. These countries attacked the UK, on the understanding that we would retreat the battles (which was possible at the time), so that they would have a border with Canada, and ultimately the USA. In exchange for us basically socking it to our past allies, we were granted eventual entrance into PEACE-GC as well as a guarantee of protection. Ultimately, Canada got some semblance of revenge when they almost wiped us. Since then we've had a few tiffs and taffs, but on the whole there's never been any huge negativity between the two populations. Despite being enemies, we've always managed to stay civil.

Key moments: UK switch to PEACE-GC, and the retreat of Scotland to allow the PEACE-GC invasion, Acacia Mason's invasion (and ultimately, defeat vs the government of jamesw) Complaints after UK peace-proposals and attacks ultimately lead to the UK's counter-attack being funded by the Canadian treasury*
(At the time, when you won a battle against a country, you got a proportion of the gold and currency in their treasury, and Canada had a huge chunk of Gold in their treasury. You could also propose peace against an enemy by submitting an offer in Gol😛 the Gold would be taken out of their treasury until the proposal expired. The UK President proposed peace to lock their gold in place, then timed attacks to end at the same time as the proposal, meaning the gold would return to the treasury at just the right moment to be counted in the calculations that followed a victory in a war.)

8: Slovenia

There isn't anything fantastically impressive to writeabout. We've essentially been in the same side longer than we have been against each other, and as traditionally smaller nations, both gathered a reputation as being trusted countries with small, but loyal armies during PEACE-GC, Phoenix, ONE and TWO. Both countries were renowned in Phoenix, ONE and TWO for being relatively weak compared to the others on the battlefield, but full of active and knowledgeable players that gave up their time to run alliances, with some of the most successful months of all the alliances listed above, coming whilst being controlled by Slovenian or British citizens. Ultimately, we've never really fought against each other, and fought hard for each other: the UK fighting hard during various Croatian invasions, and Slovenia being instrumental in various defences of UK territory: specifically against USA, and repelling the Canadian forces of Acacia Mason.

Ultimately, this is the ronseal of relationships: nothings ever hugely impressive, and there's no real one battle or victory that could be said to stand out: we're just decent friends and have helped each other out for years.

Obviously, people will have various recollections, or ideas about our alliances and friendships: ultimately these are based on a personal view of how things are, have been, and will be in the future; If nothing else, having articles which outline some history of the game is something to help people who are interested in the game should they wish to understand more about why certain countries would always/never be allies. Anyone who wants to help out by co-authoring further articles, feel free to get in touch here

Minister of Foreign Affairs