[Conway] The Manifesto

Day 1,715, 04:40 Published in Ireland Ireland by MrConway
Citizens of Ireland,

This is my first article about my Presidential Campaign. I will start by telling you a little about me and my time in eRepublik.

I was eBorn on 20th Feb 2010, well over two years ago in eIreland, since then I remained a proud Irish citizen. I have held different jobs and contributed as much as I can to Irish society.

Commander of Irish Boot Camp
ex-Commander of The Irish Army
Founder of The Irish Social Front
3x Minister of New Citizens
9x Congress Member
1x PP of Eire Aontaithe
1x PP of Eire Aonair

Enough about me, let’s talk about us and our country.

Ireland is a proud nation, we are not the strongest but we have always been up for a fight. Currently the fight is denied to us by EDEN and our responsibilities as a member state. The past few weeks I have witnessed our population decline and our nation in a way crumble. We have been off fighting for other nations, superpowers that we are tied to due to EDEN. The last few days I called for a boycott of EDEN battles, our government implemented a boycott of EDEN orders only but still ordered us to fight for our EDEN allies. This is something I wish to continue, I want to fight for OUR allies. I want Irish independence from foreign influence. I want Irish freedom. However I promise to let the Irish population decide through a referendum, the fate of our nation.

The past two administrations have been inactive in the public eyes, not many articles have been released explaining what and where our nation is at. They promised articles and I will promise articles informing the public of anything, if not nothing, I will make the public aware of what is going on. Communication is key. Without communication we as a nation break down and can not function, we need to be informed and aware of what is happening.

On foreign affairs I wish to strengthen our relationship with the United Kingdom. We both have respected our Treaty and when times needed we fought against our own nation to maintain it. For a long time the UK never held the Irish regions they were given as part of the deal and their patience and respect towards us is remarkable. For two nations who once hated each other we have come a long way and can even go further I believe.

I have plans for us to gain some extra resource bonuses also. I can not announce them yet as they might upset some people as for where I am looking at getting them. But my policy is Ireland and her allies first and my job is to do what is best for Ireland and gaining these resources is best for Ireland and should not affect anyone but the country I am targeting.

Gaining these resources is not my intended target for a war. Who I will bring Irish soldiers to the front with as of now I do not know. I am yet to sit down with my team and discuss this but when any possibility arises we will analyze the situation and have a decision in under 24hours. Ireland will get its war, and this I can promise.

I know I am not everyone's perfect candidate but I have committed two years to the eIrish cause. Two months ago people asked for change, they said they wanted to see someone else try out for CP, they said let WHS show Ireland what he can do. Now I ask for my turn. My turn to show you Ireland, what I can do.

Tiocfaidh Ar Lá,