Day 3,524, 17:53 Published in USA USA by Pfenix Quinn

Idiot wind, blowing every time you move your teeth
You’re an idiot, babe
It’s a wonder that you still know how to breathe


Good morning slaves!

Let's gab about the art and science of leadership.

Revolutionary comrades slip into piety, promoting the idea that e-communism will develop inevitably. Hard core nihilist-insurrectionists engage in friendly comradely struggle with such deluded religiosity. Typically by engaging in what is called "heavy drinking". And then they bend the conned colleague's ear until they admit the error of their ways and make a suitable self-criticism. Or barf. Sometimes both.

The adamantine zestful core of revolutionary volunteers, the Ones Who Never Give Up, the nitty gritty dirtbags, know that "All for One, One for All" is the social glue that binds the red-and-black bloc together. They instinctively come to the defense of their religiously inclined co-conspirators when they're under assault from the Vile Secular Powers or other boojie Pretenders and whatnot, no matter what imaginative differences they may have had.

In the complex, ever-changing trenches of the revolutionary e-global anarka-socialista movement, such intellective disagreements are carried out in a principled way. Maintaining solidarity in the face of disagreements-among-the-people is a distinguishing true-pinko behavior.

Another headache with relgiously-influenced revolutionaries is that some revolutionary parties place their leaders on a pedestal, inferring that they are infallible, beyond question, beyond criticism. The SFP is not one of those parties. But you know it goes on, right?

Sometimes the meat-and-potatos atheist-rejectionists need to watch such things very closely. What should one do when the political contradictions really sharpen up? Like when a revolutionary leader gives up on revolution altogether? OR when one begins to hear disgusting vile chatter about "peaceful co-existence", "respecting imperialism", the "importance of acting like sheep", and so on and so forth and so on.

The skeptical nonbelieving revolutionists, those who stand for a world of civilized anarchy with a large dose of joissance, have to eventually say no. Just no. Like, Dear Leader, chill, you can't do that dude, y'know? They approach this kind of thing super-scientifically, in the way that the Great Red Thread of the SFP's General Direction has always led us, using super-scientistic Ramonist-Nolanist, PQ Thought, not some pragmatic faith in a pie-in-the-e-sky "let's all just get along and expect that some day the globally-transformative, world-ending, joyfully-revolutionary culmination will just happen"-ism.

According to the faultless Prison Notebooks of Phoenix Quinn, many e-years ago a brainy thoughtful tussle over these kinds of bickerings led to the birth of the SFP in the first place as a truly r-r-r-r-r-revolutionary alternative to the tepid "get-alongism" of the Federalists.

And they arise every time the fraternal Zenonic dialogs re-emerge on its long-standing commitment to keeping "socialist" in its name.

Amid myriad flips, flops, handstands, cartwheels and assorted contortions; through plots, denunciations, flame wars, slanders, group hugs, the unbearable lightness of Jude Connors, and so on and so forth; and stuff; the Party's chewy tasty core perpetually maintains its distinctive role as strategic seer of the e-world consummation.

Sometimes comrades and friends run into new obstacles and contradictions. They come up against the prospect of not just fighting limited battles against outposts of the stinking elitists and the zombified agents of the Dealer, but actually having to fight straight up against the Admin's inane tyrannico-nationalist world-dream. And all the "powers that be" seem to line up against taking the revolutionary road. And these are real made-up things.

And it is in such times that the difference between e-materialist-dialectics and e-religio-determinism comes into sharp relief. The point is not to act like a petty film critic or a stern librarian, finding fault with and poking at every little thing.

The fundamental false ideological nub is "truths" that are merely short-term, which deal obsessively with what is best for things in the short run, typically concerning ephemeral and insignificant things, but ignore the global anarko-commie upheaval. This are the kind of mistaken ideas held by defenders of the e-capitalist order. Sometimes these are wolves in sheep's clothing; more often just folks not yet woke.

It's not always easy to distinguish the true nature of things. Stuff is not always exactly what it seems.

For example, let's consider the story of Rosa Parks. You remember Rosa Parks, right? From the real world? The received wisdom, the official story, the historical meta-image is like she was "this nice little lady who bravely refused to sit at the back of the bus because she was tired one day and thuys accidentally helped trigger the Civil Rights Movement, a humble adjunct to the great peaceful unfolding led and organized by Dr. King."

How noble. How brave. Right? Well, yes, certainly. But that is only an illusion.

Rosa Parks passed away in 2005 at age 92. She was the first private citizen ever to lie in state in the U.S. Capital rotunda. Thousands of people stood to honor her funeral procession, showering her memory with thunderous applause as her hearse passed by. An honor richly deserved.

What is less often noted is that it was Mabel Williams, not, as one might expect, someone like Coretta Scott-King who delivered Rosa's eulogy. You remember Mabel Williams, don't you? Here's a picture of her with her husband, Robert F Williams:

Like Rosa Parks in Alabama, Robert and Mabel Williams led an NAACP chapter North Carolina in the 1940s and 1950s, after the end of WW2. Like the Deacons for Defense across the South, including those who guarded Dr. King, the Williams encouraged their members to arm themselves and to fight back against assaults from the KKK and other local reactionaries. The Civil Rights Movement was not won not due solely to its peaceful satyagraha moments (though such actions are certainly honorable and memorable). It was won, to a very large degree, because of the formidable backbone of people like Rosa Parks, who continue to stand up to this day.

She was the only female secretary of an NAACP chapter for many years. Rosa knew the Williams well, until they were driven out of the country by racist pigs and reactionary government agents, and after they returned. They ran a radio station from Havana called "Radio Free Dixie" for several years, before moving to China, and then returning to the States in 1969. Rosa Parks delivered Robert F Williams' eulogy in 1996. Mabel was returning a favor.

She'd organized resistance to Jim Crow for many years before Dr. King came onto the scene. Some people even say it was Rosa Parks who proposed that Dr. King be made the public spokesperson for the movement.

Far from the "brave, meek little woman who accidentally triggered a movement", Rosa Parks was a tireless organizer and an activist throughout her life. In the 1940s she organized the exposure of rape attacks against Black women. Her husband was a member of the Communist Party.

She thought through and organized the famous "incident" on the bus as part of her anger at the murder of Emmet Till. She told a reporter who asked about it: "I was not tired... I was not old... the only tired I was, was tired of giving in."

Rosa Parks was personal friend of Malclom X, whom she considered a personal hero. After moving to Detroit, she supported both the maoist League of Revolutionary Black Workers and the pan-africanist Republic of New Afrika to raise awareness of police abuse, including service on people's tribunals to investigate such incidents. She was a vocal supporter of the Black Panther Party.

A fascinating, complicated, dedicated activist, Rosa Parks was a person who made things happen. She didn't obsess about the "official story" because she knew that the pigs will lie all the time.

She certainly knew better than to be a sheep led to slaughter.

Be a pal, smash the fash, and remember, it's OUR game.

All Power to the People.

Thank you Sister Rosa!

Never give up.