D12: War at Home

Day 4,456, 12:57 Published in USA USA by Jacob Ferguson

A couple interesting developments going on here in the last day or so. There were interesting distraction techniques applied to distract eAmericans from fighting where needed. And the result of that has been a direct attack on Turkey in an American core by an Asterian country.

All able bodies eUS fighters should contribute to the effort of keeping Asteria out of our cores and preventing a full scale war on our shores. Texas is the land to defend as of writing this article. Fight for Turkey, our ally, to prevent the occupation of a US core by an enemy alliance member.

On a lighter note, I have been selected by Cthulhu and Dinnyin to serve as their Secretary of Education if they're so honored to be the next President and Vice President. This honor is greatly appreciated, and I feel that it's right in my wheelhouse to help get our new players situated in the country and involved in politics, the military, and journalism!

The research I've been able to gather from the first couple of weeks back has been fairly thorough, and although I still have much to learn on the business and political front, starting in politics in this way will be very helpful in fleshing out my understanding of how this country, and this game, is run.

Please consider voting for Cthulhu for President in the upcoming elections. He is well spoken, direct, and centered. Having a steady hand at the controls of the country will be very beneficial to our country going forward, especially with a war brewing. Help us help the country grow and grow stronger under his leadership. His cabinet is full of well respected members of the community (and myself), and I look forward to working with them if Cthulhu takes office.

If he is elected to be our next President, I will make sure that the political structure of the government is well explained to my readers and new players, to make it less intimidating to new players and existing players alike!

See the cabinet announcement here!

Thank you for your time and support. If you have any feedback, advice or comments, please feel free to leave them in the comments section.