Day 4,456, 10:57 Published in USA USA by Cthulhu..


I would like to introduce you to my cabinet. I'm a straight to the point kinda guy, so without fluff or fanfare: Here they are.

Vice President and Chief of Staff - Dinnyin

Heralded as being "high up on the list of best players who’ve yet to serve as PotUS", this is my go-to guy for all things in this administration. He's well versed in every aspect of the game and loves our community with a tenacity that is unmatched. If you take a look at his in-game bio, you will see that he has served in almost every position in government and military affairs in this country. He knows how to get the job done.

Department of Defense and Foreign Affairs - zRTx

As a former multi-term CP, he directed the recovery efforts of the eUSA from the worst wipe in recent history. He is also active in the eUSA's military training efforts and has introduced many good ideas for how to take our military into the next evolution of the game. These help engage the community, keep the active player base involved, and in the know. This quality cannot be understated, because the game as we know it has been in decline for a number of years. His connections in CODE allow for the prompt and coordinated action of our alliance, which will be crucial as things heat up in the eWorld.

Department of the Media - hcmadman

As a player who has been around for a long time, left the community, and decided to come back; hcmadman has returned with a fresh outlook on the game. The Department of the Media used to put out at least one WHPR every week. We will renew that publication and look for feedback from the community on all aspects of our administration. For example, we will ensure that all citizens and allies know when we plan to AS eSerbia, as well as have a say in when and how. We are not worried about them knowing our plans. We simply think that we have the backing to ensure victory. When we pull the trigger, you can be damn sure that everyone will know and be ready. Our glorious victory will be an homage to DIO.

Department of Citizens' Affairs - Herr Vootsman

If you don't know who he is...then you've been living under a rock. The guy was my training officer in the USTC; that's how far back his legacy goes. Not only can he do anything and everything in the game, but he has a mullet. I mean, c'mon, he's a go****n legend. This guy has been a rock when it comes to enacting the domestic agenda, and honestly I cannot think of anyone more fit for the task. The citizens are the most important aspect of the game; without all of our combined efforts towards a singular goal, we are lost.

Department of Education - Jacob Ferguson

Jacob's activity will be a great fit for engaging new and semi-active players, as well as those returning to the community with questions about the new gameplay modes. Education is invaluable to the success of the country. Our desire is to engage the new members of our community and what better way to do that, than to include them in our government. We should always be training and incorporating new ideas into the greater knowledge base. We expect to see great things out of this new player and cannot wait to be the beneficiaries of his full potential.

If I do only one thing in February, it will be to AirStrike eSerbia. Let's do this.

Fill it up: Energy Contributions

My name is CTHULHU and I would like to be your President.


Join me on DISCORD.

"I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion."

- Alexander the Great