Φόντο ενεργοποιημένο/απενεργοποιημένο

Σχετικά με την εφημερίδα μου

Concerning Punisher

53 Ημέρες 1,870, 08:43 Δημοσιεύθηκε στην Canada Canada Πολιτικές διαμάχες και ανάλυση Πολιτικές διαμάχες και ανάλυση

I do not really have a problem with the Imperial Party of Canada nor really with member "poaching" but I saw a few comments from its leader that made me post the following.

IPC members like Man551 have been saying to there members not to send

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New to erepublik?

1 Ημέρες 1,865, 12:56 Δημοσιεύθηκε στην Canada Canada Πρώτα βήματα στο eRepublik Πρώτα βήματα στο eRepublik

Hello from the Ministry of Education and Welcome to eRepublik.

The Ministry of Education is contacting new players to let them know about helpful information. … διάβασε περισσότερα »

Mentors needed!

0 Ημέρες 1,865, 12:54 Δημοσιεύθηκε στην Canada Canada Πρώτα βήματα στο eRepublik Πρώτα βήματα στο eRepublik

Are you ever sitting around wondering how you can help make eCanada better? If so then maybe you should think about signing up to mentor new players who need advice and help. Helping new players will make them more likely to stay around.

If you

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[CW] Revised Charter

6 Ημέρες 1,864, 20:30 Δημοσιεύθηκε στην Canada Canada Πολιτικές διαμάχες και ανάλυση Πολιτικές διαμάχες και ανάλυση

Clan Wolf has undergone some changes recently and one of them is that we have made some changes to our CW Charter. Here is our new platform that we hope to carry forward.

Clan Wolf Charter

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New to erepublik?

0 Ημέρες 1,861, 07:34 Δημοσιεύθηκε στην Canada Canada Πρώτα βήματα στο eRepublik Πρώτα βήματα στο eRepublik

Hello from the Ministry of Education and Welcome to eRepublik.

The Ministry of Education is contacting new players to let them know about helpful information. … διάβασε περισσότερα »