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Newspaper for the Irish Department of Defence

IDF/ISDF - New Pay Structure Inside. We Are Still Openly Recruiting. SIGN UP TODAY!!!!!!!

5 Ημέρες 327, 10:51 Δημοσιεύθηκε στην Ireland Ireland

As the title of this article states the new government of Ireland has decided to allot some money for this great countries armed forces. As some may see theyve already received their payment backdated to the day they started in the IDF. If people

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Citizens of Ireland. WE WANT YOU.

6 Ημέρες 319, 14:33 Δημοσιεύθηκε στην Ireland Ireland

We are always recruiting young men and women for the IDF and ISDF who are willing to serve their country should the need one day arise. Starting soon all members will be receiving some sort of funding to help them acquire the necessities they need

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Department Of Defense Looking For Weapons Contracts. Apply Today.

4 Ημέρες 318, 22:06 Δημοσιεύθηκε στην Ireland Ireland

The Department Of Defense is looking for 2 companies who are willing to give the IDF and ISDF members discounts on their guns in return we will send our soldiers to buy their guns from your company. We are taking bids starting on day 319 and

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Do You Like Guns??? Want To See The World??? Enlist For Ireland Today Weve Got A Place For You.

18 Ημέρες 308, 20:28 Δημοσιεύθηκε στην Ireland Ireland

We are actively recruiting for the IDF and ISDF. I am attempting to work out some form of monthly stipend for the soldiers so they can buy moving tickets and guns but the concrete amount hasnt been worked out yet. Also with Fionn being made

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Join the IDF and ISDF. The Army of The Irish, Ran by The Irish, For The Irish. Not Victors Mock National Guard.

7 Ημέρες 282, 19:09 Δημοσιεύθηκε στην Ireland Ireland

We are the army of the irish people ran by the irish people for the irish people. We do not pay anyone to defend this great land as we believe its everyones duty to their country to defend it if the time comes, this only helps us to keep the defense

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