[MWC-CP] day 19

Day 2,196, 18:44 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by 10 Downing Street

We are trying to lose the current RW with norway so please don’t hit there (or you can hit for them (norway) if you like for the FF medals)

legion disbanding very soon

Main body

2 main body topics today

1 is congress and just who has signed up to give their gold to the NHS you can see the full list here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmNvLrxtXfcvdGU4Qi1BUUxEQXl1RVBsZU01OXdoQXc&usp=drive_web#gid=0
it features a lot of TUP PCP and ESO and i would like to thank those parties for the enormous help this will be to the NHS
the list also features 1 UKPPer and 1 SKA player both running under the UKPP banner i would like to thank that party also
no other parties signed up but i would still like to invite their congressmen to donate their 5G in the form of £1,000 to the NHS after these elections.

point 2

Since only 3 people came forward to help with a national MU i will have to shelve this project there’s really nothing i can do as there isn’t enough tax money to cover MU expenses

i would like to thank the 3 who came forward though mada, perry rhodan and tecuvo

Diary of a CP-day 19

after my massive workload yesterday i put my feet up and took it easy…. well kinda did lots of stuff was certainly quieter than yesterday though

answered messages

did an interview

some chatting to MoFAs

you read this rubbish, well thanks, bonus pic enclosed below
mwcerberus, 57th CP of the United Kingdom