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A Lunch-packed view of the World

UK Weapons Giveaway Week 67

49 il y a 4 jours Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

So Week 67 (so 15 months and counting) and it's the usual copy, paste, make a few changes and post
Due to healthy weapons stockpile levels, the giveaway is being maintained at 160 Q7 weapons, the only requirements being:

Citizen of the UK

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UK Weapons Giveaway Week 66

53 6,082 jour, 12:14 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

So Week 66 (so 15 months and counting) and it's the usual copy, paste, make a few changes and post
Due to healthy weapons stockpile levels, the giveaway is being maintained at 160 Q7 weapons, the only requirements being:

Citizen of the UK

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UK Weapons Giveaway Week 65

64 6,075 jour, 09:59 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

So Week 65 (so 15 months and counting) and it's the usual copy, paste, make a few changes and post
Due to healthy weapons stockpile levels, the giveaway is being maintained at 160 Q7 weapons, the only requirements being:

Citizen of the UK

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UK Weapons Giveaway Week 64

61 6,068 jour, 11:24 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

So Week 64 (so almost 15 months and counting) and it's the usual copy, paste, make a few changes and post
Due to healthy weapons stockpile levels, the giveaway is being maintained at 160 Q7 weapons, the only requirements being:

Citizen of the UK

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UK Weapons Giveaway Week 63

33 6,061 jour, 09:35 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

So Week 63 (14 months and counting) and it's the usual copy, paste, make a few changes and post
Due to healthy weapons stockpile levels, the giveaway is being maintained at 160 Q7 weapons, the only requirements being:

Citizen of the UK

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