Tell me how your party is different than all the other parties.

Day 1,876, 18:25 Published in USA USA by Candor

Every party in the nation wants to draw new members, and keep the ones they have. Tell me in the comments below what makes your party stand out.

If two parties say the same things, that point will be noted (eventually) as similar to another party or some such.

I'll add your points in here as you make them.

Please DO duplicate an answer you strongly agree with! I will see to it that answers that are duplicated stay on the top of your parties list.

NOTE: At least once, someone give me each parties "slogan". Thanks in advance.

American Military Party: "✯ ✯ ✯ Feel the AMPs ✯ ✯ ✯"

-new congressional election procedure
-Museum of party PDBs to make the party administration more transparent
-7 unique departments for handling the party
-creating an AMP radio show
-have a media group. We have a
-tank program and Intern program
-often have game nights on our IRC game channel.

We The People: "By the people, for the people, we the people"

-mentoring program
-unique Comm's program
-NEW and amazing
-Inter-Party Department to help party communication be maximized
-WTP believes freedom of speech
-WTP accepts all citizens, both domestic and foreign (who pass IES vetting)
-The WTP is the successor to the UIP and MJP, the organic garden of united independence.

Federalist Party: "Proud and Horny"

-work hard to include noobs in party going-ons
-have a radio show
-have a private MU consistently ranked number one in terms of total kills
-have a privately funded welfare program that supplies any American with Q7 weapons and food
-does not import foreigners purely for political gain.
-does not recycle the same congressmen every month, but instead choose congressmen based on merit.
-awesome Media and Recruiting Department
-the most active IRC
-hard working FBI/best security team
-low maintenance memberships available
-largest government recognized party in the US
-Feds proudly have Albanians, Greeks, Italians, Swedes, Germans and others
-RL > Game, Security of Nation > Party, Party > Personal Political Ambitions or Gain
-allows newer players the chance to get into leadership roles based on hard work
-the longest-lasting PTO-free party in eUSA.
-the most active and interesting off-site Forum in eUSA.
-stand for Integrity in Government

American Freedom Party: "Duty, honor, country"

-Largest party
- only party that's not afraid of running against the establishment and face the consequences
- largest multicultural party in USA
- we are all individuals thinkers in AFA
- we reward individual achievements and rotate congressmen according to it
- we have a open Forum without censorship (we have no previous mod screening of threads and only active saboteurs of AFA are banned)
- we stand for softer immigration laws (filtered by parties and not Government)
- we are not all Serbs and Hungarians but rather young Americans from all countries in eRep (most of us are just refugees seeking a piece of the American dream)
- only party that knows how to PARTEEEE!
-party that rewards merit rather than how much you can suck up and for how long.
-have a private MU

United States Workers Party:

-Nothing presented-

Technocratic Society: "Technocratic Independent Thinking Society" (TITS).

-We have a caveman

Socialist Freedom Party: "To swing on Plato's balls, stand in line HERE"

-(non-partisan) Tanks for Tots and Government Cheese programs.
-joining SFP automatically makes you 37.5% sexier.

SFP's Ten Points of Solidarity:

1. The Socialist Freedom Party supports the right of players with a common ideology, culture or interests to gather together as a Political Party to empower constituents to achieve their goals regarding specific issues.

2. The Socialist Freedom Party recognizes the right of those constituents who have gathered together as a Political Party to lobby Governments for this purpose – regardless of the issue involved, whether it be foreign policy, military goals or funding of specific organizations, military groups or other pursuits. While we support other parties approaching individuals to join their party, we are against using political pressure, bribes or coercion to do so.

3. The Socialist Freedom Party supports the right of players to freely travel between countries and regions, whether to escape economic hardship, political persecution or simply to seek a better life. We also support the right of immigrants to pursue citizenship regardless of any differences in culture and language.

4. The Socialist Freedom Party demands that every citizen of every nation, regardless of national origin, culture, ancestry, gender, sexual orientation, race, color, religion, primary language, political belief or disability is entitled to equal protection under the Laws and Codes of their country and is therefore entitled to the equal opportunity to pursue programs that the country offers, inclusive of, but not restricted to, forums, government IRC Channels, government solidarity and welfare programs, and the right to apply for all government-funded military branches.

5. The Socialist Freedom Party believes it is in everybody's best self-interest, when there is difficulty communicating due to language, to work towards finding mechanisms that will help us communicate with each other.

6. The Socialist Freedom Party celebrates nations who view themselves as a melting pot of free individuals from countries all over the world, and encourages the granting of asylum to those who were considered criminals for political reasons and are escaping from their oppressive governments to find freedom.

7. The Socialist Freedom Party supports the development of alliances and mutual protection pacts between nations, where the countries involved assist in the defense of countries in the alliance when attacked, or when countries in the alliance have previously had regions annexed, the allied countries would assist in rebellion by the occupants of the region.

8. The Socialist Freedom Party believes that all governments and government branches are the servants of the people, and governments shall recognize that the respect of the country's citizens and residents is something that needs to be earned. Such respect is not entitled to them through the positions they hold.

Under the prior Congressional election system, the Socialist Freedom Party also had the following points of solidarity:

9. The Socialist Freedom Party believes that the collusion between political parties to select regions for Congressional/Parliamentary candidates, for the purpose of predetermining which candidate will be elected and preventing open elections, is ethically disingenuous as it denies the right of the individual player to cast a meaningful vote.

10. The Socialist Freedom Party opposes the running of blockers in Congressional elections unless those blockers are clearly listed a such, where all players are able to easily access that information, and those blockers, by server reset at the start of the Congressional election day, don avatars that clearly identify them as blockers.

Friendship and Honor:

Albanian Unity Party (AUP):

-95 % Albanian and Kosovan-Abanian members.
-only for one reason to fight side by side with real Americans against cheaters (servs and a bunch of so called americans)
-We are loyal and will be to our friends (as long as) this game exists.

Blood Brethren Party: "Like the Honey Badger. Honey Badger don't care"

-our PP is Bia we run on hotness

The -SPQR- Tullianum Party:

-We are the will of Dio Publius embodied in an action.
