eDiary - Mercenary Medal Journey - Comment for Advice

Day 3,644, 16:21 Published in USA USA by Carlos3652
"Project eDiary"

****This is a long read (TL/DR)****

For those that are interested, and those that are not (lol), I wanted to document and share my journeys that I will be taking to get certain medals. I wanted to see if I could document how quickly, how costly and if the reward is worth the effort, especially for D1 and D2 players like myself. Now, I know that it would be best if I did the Freedom Fighter and Mercenary Medals at the same time, but I wanted to document them individually, and then I will do them together. So I am hoping to provide at least 3 articles in this series.

I would love for you to leave a comment / advice on your thoughts on how to tackle this. Also, if you subscribe and follow along, you can give me advice on where I should turn to next and why. Also, if there is anything else I should document please let me know. I will edit the articles daily until the medal journeys are complete, so check back frequently. Wish me luck.

Donations are welcome, but they will not count towards my journey as income, your time and advice are more valuable. I would like this to me a memorable series that others can learn from.

Mercenary Medal Journey

I just finished up my 12th mercenary achievement today so its time to start a new one.

As you can see, I have a clean slate:

For those reading that do not know what the Mercenary achievement is, it is given to the citizens who defeat 25 enemies for 50 different countries.

The citizen can choose which 50 countries he/she wishes to fight for and progress can be easily viewed from the profile page, simply by hovering over the country and then they will see how many enemies they killed (it will be marked X/25, X marking the number of enemies killed).

Since the day 2,610 (January 12, 2015), the reward for each medal is 1,000 cc (instead of the previous value of 5 GOLD).

So, I have a few restrictions / requirements.

1. Since the eUSA has a couple of enemies, eBulgaria and eFYROM, I will not fight for those countries.
2. Will not use any Bars to up my energy.
3. Will not use any boosters
4. Will have to come back to Kansas once a day to work my companies as a manager. (uses 220 health)
5. Will complete my Daily Orders from my military unit (Easy Company) daily and be at the service of my brothers if anything is needed from me.
6. Cheapest Market price for Food.
7. Try to participate in as many Air Battles to remain cost effective.

Easy Company Plug: If you want to join my MU, EZC, they offer a commune system where you work for Gnilraps, they help you out with your Q1 house, and provide Q7 weapons at half price. They also offer a nice social environment (brotherhood). This will help you be more efficient in your fighting. Please contact Gnilraps. One of the best / kind / knowledgeable players in the game.

Day 1 - (3,645)

Start Location: Kansas, USA
Ended Location: Kansas, USA
Travel: None
Daily Expenses: 722 cc

Ok, so my day began, with the usual set up that I won't count towards expenses / income even though I completed the first country in my journey, eUSA. I will detail this on Day 1, but going forward, since this is my baseline, there will be no need to repeat. I worked my job, plus overtime (thanks to the Q1 house). I trained in the first two Q4 facilities, I worked my companies and completed my DO from my MU. I make a healthy profit from my companies and you can find economic articles in a lot of places, but Ill write one up later, when I don't have so many ongoing articles. (I promise I have a life, lol).

1. (USA vs Ukraine, Zaporozhia, Air Battle). I chose to do the Air Battle because you can get supplies from the DoCA (You can read about it here). You receive 4000 energy per day as long as you meet the requirements (which most do). My 25 kills in the air are enough. I spent about 760 energy getting those 25 kills (190 Q4 food) so you end up in the green every time. Since I did not use a weapon, that was free. I would recommend everyone sign up for the AARP program. As you can see if I stop here, (which some do) I would be profitable every day, but whats the fun in that? That being said, now you know why I wont count this daily routine against my expenses of going after a medal.

2. (Poland vs Malaysia, Sarawak, Air Battle) - No Weps, 700 health used. 175 Q4 @ 0.80 cc @ market puts me at 140 cc. I already know that doing this 48 more times, with all the travel I have to do, puts me way over my reward of 1,000 cc. But thats ok, luckily there are rewards along the way that help me. Since we are mid week I hit 1500 prestige points so I get 5 Q5 moving tickets. (Shout out to rainy sunday for Q5 donation he made me for this journey) A helpful tip here for everyone based on today's economics; when you have to move anywhere in the eWorld, if you are moving close by (up to 40cc) always use money to move. If you are moving farther away (60,80,100 cc cost) use Q5 tickets. They cost 50ish cc today so this would help you save some money on travel.

3. (Philippines vs Saudi Arabia, Al Bahah, Air Battle) - No Weps, 740 health used. 247 Q3 @ 0.59 cc @ market puts me at 146 cc. I had a couple options here... these first days will be easy to find 25 kills without traveling with 3 active training wars (TW), an NE vs Japan and additional Mutual Protection Pacts (MPP's) that the eUSA has. Clicking on that link will allow you to see all the MPP's, all the TW's and any Natural Enemy's (NE's) we might have ongoing, as well as all the wars that our allies are fighting. This is a good place to learn who are our allies.

4. (Hungary vs Israel, Jerusalem District, Air Battle) - No Weps, 740 health used. 247 Q3 @ 0.59 cc @ market puts me at 146 cc. I hit 1650 prestige this week which allows me to recover +1 energy until Tuesday. If you want to learn more about Prestige Points, or the Weekly Rewards, just click on the links.

5. (Latvia vs Belgium, Brussels, Air Battle) - No Weps, 750 health used. 250 Q3 @ 0.59 cc @ market puts me at 148 cc.

6. (Republic of China Taiwan vs South Korea, Jeoliabuk-do, Air Battle) - No Weps, 720 health used. 240 Q3 @ 0.59 cc @ market puts me at 142 cc. Reached 1800 prestige points, good for an energy bar! Which costs 5 Gold. I hope you never have to purchase a solo energy bar from the store, ever.

On a side note, I have ranked up to Aviator* . Hoping that I can continue to grow. Calling it a night. Completed a little over 10% of my mission on day 1. It will get trickier and slower when these air battles will have to be done at the right time and at the right place.

Day 2 - (3,646)

Start Location: Kansas, USA
Ended Location: Kansas, USA
Travel: N/A
Daily Expenses: 543 cc

Daily Routine complete. Now, one of the things I want to highlight on a Monday, is that if you complete all your daily orders for the week, you get a very nice reward from the Gyanste Foundation. You get Q7's Weapons and Q5 food for completing your combat orders, you get additional food for aircraft kills that week AND you get money (cc) for writing articles. I encourage everyone to use this foundation, because this helps tremendously and its out there! Take advantage. It's easy to apply!

My "no travel" options right now are getting slimmer with Colombia, Brazil, NZ, UK and Ukraine left. Air Battles are going to be tough to coordinate but my goal will be to at least hit these 5 with air battles between today and tomorrow and then start to travel to countries that make the most sense - PLEASE COMMENT if you know what are the best countries to travel to for maximum exposure to other allies. I will be doing my own research over the next two days, but would love some input.

7. (Colombia vs United Kingdom, East of England, Air Battle) - No Weps, 680 health used. 227 Q3 @ 0.60 cc @ market puts me at 136 cc. Today took me a bit to get started, as I am running out of Air Battles that I can choose from in a timely manner. I might have to bring out my Ground Game soon and hope my expenses do not skyrocket. I was also able to hit 1950 prestige points for the week, giving a nice 50% Damage Booster that will last 2 hours when I use it.

8. (United Kingdom vs USA, North West of England, Air Battle) - No Weps, 710 health used. 237 Q3 @ 0.60 cc @ market puts me at 142 cc.

9. (New Zealand vs USA, Auckland, Air Battle) - No Weps, 760 health used. 254 Q3 @ 0.55 cc @ market puts me at 140 cc. I got lucky, and found cheap food on the market. I hit 2150 prestige points, and I am now adding +1 energy to my totals. This will reset tonight, so I need to use them wisely.

10a. [Brazil vs Spain, Central West of Brazil, Air Battle) - No Weps, 680 health used. 20 kills in and I ran out of health and time... 227 Q3 @ 0.55 cc @ market puts me at 125 cc. So, I did not stress and use my Q7's on this battle, but at some point, between today and tomorrow I'll be able to finish it. One lesson from this is not to panic and use a bar to finish (especially the ones in the eUSA) you can always hit these later.

Side note on day 2 that has nothing to do with the mercenary medal - I went after an BH for the eUSA and failed after using 10 bars, damage boosters and small bombs... This is why I love going for the MM or FF types of medals. You control your own destiny and don't feel defeated after burning through Q7's and Bars.

Day 3 - (3,647)

Start Location: Kansas, USA
Ended Location: Northwest Territories, Canada (occupied by Serbia)
Travel: Northwest Territories, Canada (occupied by Serbia) 40 cc
Daily Expenses: 550 cc

Daily Routine complete. I had to buy a new house today because it expired. I cannot stress enough the importance of buying at minimum a Q1 house so you can work overtime. It literally pays for itself and then some. Also, please note that I am still getting AARP food for all my Air Battles. This is the 3rd day I received supplies of 4000 health (12k total) during this journey. For my Mercenary Medal I have only used 8k health - so it would technically be free so far. That is why it is so important to take advantage of all the help! And thats just one program! Your MU would help, Your Political Party will help, there are foundations that help and countless of selfless citizens help throughout the day doing giveaways. If you dont come out on top - you are doing it wrong. GET INVOLVED. BE ACTIVE.

10b. [Brazil vs Spain, Parana and Santa Catarina, Air Battle) - No Weps, 200 health used. 67 Q3 @ market price of .60, spent 40 cc. Finished my 5 kills to complete this country. Prestige Points started to accumulate today and my 5 kills (plus my Combat Orders) were good enough to give me a +6 in energy recovery which is a nice start to my week. One last lesson here. DO NOT HIT WHEN LOWER THAN 30 HEALTH if it sometimes takes you 40 health to get a kill... It wastes health. Accidental clicks have hurt me along the way.

Its time for travel if I want to do this quickly. Ukraine is the last one on my list that I can fight for while sitting at home in Kansas. That gives me 11 and technically I can fight for them whenever from here until the end, so it should not stop me from going somewhere today. It looks like based on my first day, I can realistically hope to get 6 or 7 more countries before coming back home. I lose my Bonus and I can delay coming home until Day 4 @ night maximizing my exposure in one country. Right now I am looking at Romania or Serbia as my next choices. They are both in Canada right now, with Serbia only being 40 cc in travel and Romania being a Q5 ticket @ 52 cc. The other good news, is that if I am in Canada, and they win a specific resistance, I will be able to use that to my advantage. Remember, I have to travel back to Kansas to work at some point and complete the combat order in Day 4.

Traveled to Northwest Territories, Canada occupied by Serbia for 40 cc. Options to fight for without traveling while here: Serbia, Canada, Italy, Bosnia, Japan, Estonia, Israel and United Arab Emirates. Those are the 8 countries I need to focus on before returning home tomorrow.

11. (Japan vs Montenegro, Central Montenegro, Air Battle) - No Weps, 820 health used. 273 Q3 @ 0.60 cc @ market puts me at 164 cc. I hit 150 prestige points, and I am now adding +1 energy to my totals.

Already lost my house / residency bonus.

12. (Bosnia and Herzegovina vs Serbia, Brcko District, Air Battle) - No Weps, 820 health used. 273 Q3 @ 0.60 cc @ market puts me at 164 cc. I hit 250 Prestige Points for the week and it won me 1k in storage. This is my favorite reward. 1k in storage costs 1750 cc (which translates to roughly 4ish Gold in todays market). I see a trend of using more health when not at home.

13a. (United Arab Emirates vs South Korea, Fujairah, Air Battle) - No Weps, 710 health used. 237 Q3 @ 0.60 cc @ market puts me at 142 cc. I was only able to muster 22 Kills. Will have to finish this one off in a later fight later tonight. I did get an extra +1 energy, so yay.

So I fell asleep before I could pull the trigger on UAE and Israel tonight. Ugh this was frustrating, as I had mapped out their Air Battle and was probably 15 min away from getting this done before I crashed. Oh well, there is always tomorrow.

Day 4 - (3,64😎

Start Location: Northwest Territories, Canada (occupied by Serbia)
Ended Location: Kansas, USA
Travel: Kansas, USA 40 cc
Daily Expenses: 714 cc

Woke up in Serbia, trained, worked for my commune, voted for Marius CB for Party President of the USWP. Still need to work in my companies and complete my daily orders, but that will have to wait until the end of the day.

13b. (United Arab Emirates vs Switzerland, Deutschschweiz, Air Battle) - No Weps, 100 health used. 50 Q2 @ 0.40 cc @ market puts me at 20 cc. Finally finished my 3 kills.

14. (Estonia vs Philippines, Palawan, Air Battle) - No Weps, 760 health used. 254 Q3 @ 0.60 cc @ market puts me at 152 cc. Another +1 to my energy after this one.

15. (Israel vs Hungary, Beersheba South District, Air Battle) - No Weps, 740 health used. 247 Q3 @ 0.59 cc @ market puts me at 146 cc. I have to wait roughly 3 hours before I have another shot at anything at this point.

16. (Italy vs Serbia, Molise, Air Battle) - No Weps, 760 health used. 380 Q2 @ 0.40 cc @ market puts me at 152 cc. +1 Energy thanks to the weekly rewards. Currently sitting on +20 every 5 min.

I do not know why food is getting more expensive. Q3's are @ .61 and Q4's are @ .85 and Q5's @ 1.14 on the market. Gold has also increased to 400 cc (from 350). There has been an uptick the last couple days.

17. (Canada vs Serbia, Newfoundland and Labrador, Air Battle) - No Weps, 750 health used. 375 Q2 @ 0.40 cc @ market puts me at 150 cc. Received enough Prestige Points to get 5 Q5 tickets (good for roughly 255cc out in the market) but you will use these later. Hold on to them.

18. (Serbia vs Italy, Molise, Air Battle) - No Weps, 750 health used. 375 Q2 @ 0.41 cc @ market puts me at 154 cc. The market for Q3's are @ .63. Crazy.

My night is done in Canada /Serbia. Successful two day trip hitting everything I could. Headed home to Kansas to complete my Combat Orders and work at my companies! Its so nice to see my residency bonus @ 600 Energy and a +24 Energy rate. PS: I am still receiving 4000 Energy daily through AARP. Waiting on 80 Q7's and Energy from the Gyanste Foundation and since I am working for EZC, I will get a Q1 house every week for free as well as tons of weps. All in all, even though I am just concentrating on the Mercenary Medal, I am coming out on top. (Obviously I am doing other things to be successful at the same time, but lets focus on the task at hand). 🙂

Day 5 - (3,649)

Start Location: Kansas, USA
Ended Location: Kansas, USA
Travel: N/A
Daily Expenses: 638 cc

So, I am a lazy bum. Fell asleep before I had enough Energy to work @ my companies and missed the combat orders by 10 kills. I lost about 1,300 cc in not working as a manager AND lost out on a Rocket Launcher and an Energy Bar (and extra Q7 Tanks) for finishing my DO. Frustrating. Lesson learned. Had I planned better, I would have come to Kansas sooner, as getting that 1 extra country, was not worth losing all the income. To be fair, I planned it correctly, but I just passed out soon after I came home from playing a soccer game in RL.

The good news is that I did get 5 Gold from gaining 250 strength (Super Soldier Medal) and a +1 from my Prestige points today after doing all the normal stuff.

Knowing I have Ukraine, Finland, Mexico and Sweden available from Kansas with no travel, I might stick around to get these out of the way. I need to allow my energy to reach 1200 before I travel again so I can get the most when I am outside my residency.

19. (Sweden vs Lithuania, Scania, Air Battle) - No Weps, 710 health used. 237 Q3 @ 0.60 cc @ market puts me at 142 cc.

20. (Finland vs Norway, Svalbard & Jan Mayen, Air Battle) - No Weps, 800 health used. 267 Q3 @ 0.60 cc @ market puts me at 160 cc. Prestige Points awarded me with 2 hours of 50% damage boosters... Hooray!

21. (Ukraine vs USA, Zaporozhia, Air Battle) - No Weps, 710 health used. 355 Q2 @ 0.40 cc @ market puts me at 142 cc.

22. (Mexico vs Cuba, Las Villas, Air Battle) - No Weps, 750 health used. 375 Q2 @ 0.41 cc @ market puts me at 154 cc. I received an Energy Bar reward from my prestige points. I also ranked up to Aviator ***. Good day in the books.

Day 6 - (3,650)

Start Location: Kansas, USA
Ended Location: London, United Kingdom
Travel: Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil 52 cc, London, United Kingdom 52 cc
Daily Expenses: 826 cc

Daily routine completed. Market Prices are soaring, probably due to the eRepublik anniversary happening soon. I need to travel today, as there are no additional wars happening here on home soil at the moment.

Traveled to Brazil. Was not sure where to go but I am liking this choice. I have the following options that I have not yet gathered my 25 kills for without additional travel: Ireland, Cyprus, Norway and Chile. I feel like I can get at least 3 in today and see where that leaves me tomorrow.

23. (Ireland vs France, Loire Valley, Air Battle) - No Weps, 700 health used. 700 Q1 @ 0.20 cc @ market puts me at 140 cc. +1 Energy for my prestige points. Used my residency bonus on this one, so that was nice. I have some health / ammo left for a second country.

24. (Cyprus vs Egypt, Middle Egypt, Air Battle) - No Weps, 710 health used. 710 Q1 @ 0.20 cc @ market puts me at 142 cc.

25. (Chile vs Bolivia, Pando, Air Battle) - No Weps, 760 health used. 380 Q2 @ 0.41 cc @ market puts me at 156 cc. Prestige Points allowed me to get a Small Bomb. Damage varies on the Division you are in. Save those for eUSA fighting. It will help your quest for Battle Hero's and True Patriot Medals.

Halfway done. I don't think I could have done this any faster up to this point unless I was willing to give up cc on my ground weapons to do it.

So Norway was no longer an option, and I decided to leave Brazil to move to the United Kingdom due to pricing incentive on the market. I was able to make a healthy profit re selling some goods. It cost me Q5 Ticket (52 cc) to move.

I have Germany and Belgium as quick choices so far without travel.

26. (Germany vs Denmark, Sydannmark, Air Battle) - No Weps, 700 health used. 350 Q2 @ 0.41 cc @ market puts me at 144 cc.

27. (Belgium vs Latvia, Flanders, Air Battle) - No Weps, 730 health used. 365 Q2 @ 0.41 cc @ market puts me at 150 cc. I hit enough prestige points to collect another 5 Q5 moving tickets for travel.

Please note, I recieved 24,000 Energy so far, from the daily AARP program. I have used 19,610 since I started this mission. I cannot stress how important this program is. It basically pays for your medal.

All right, calling it. Will sleep in London tonight, and see what is available in the morning.

Day 7 - (3,651)

Start Location: London, United Kingdom
Ended Location: Kansas, USA
Travel: (London, Colombia), Kansas, USA 50 cc
Daily Expenses: 575 cc

I love Saturdays. Remember on Tuesday (Day 2) I wrote about the Gyanste Foundation. After turning in all of my reports of my Air Kills, Combat Orders completed and articles written, this is what my reward was:

80 Q7 Weps
850 Q5 Food
1,119 cc in cash

Profit. If you haven't done so, please make sure you are applying to this foundation. Gyanste is doing an amazing job.

Worked for Gnilraps today and the EZC commune, trained, and at some point I need to come home to work my companies and finish my Daily Orders. I have a couple countries I can add to my list today before I travel back home for now: Lithuania, Cuba and Spain.

28. (Spain vs Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, Air Battle) - No Weps, 770 health used. 770 Q1 @ 0.20 cc @ market puts me at 154 cc.

29. (Lithuania vs Sweden, Bohus, Air Battle) - No Weps, 750 health used. 250 Q3 @ 0.60 cc @ market puts me at 150 cc. +1 Energy in Prestige Points rewards.

So as I was waiting for Cuba (vs Mexico), I noticed that Mexico (an eUSA ally) was offering 45 cc for every million of damage. I moved over to Ireland (20 cc), and helped them out by putting down roughly 6 million in D2. We took that round. I was also donated Q7's and Food by Nissisashi to fight for Mexico. I did not fight here to profit, Mexico is a great ally now (you have to go a few years back to find them as our enemy in ehistory), but the extra money they gave out didnt hurt with my expenses.

So just be aware that there will be CO's that will be paying decent money for you to help out. As a Mercenary, that's what you live for. I have some rules on when I do mine, but this one specifically fit within my principles. One of the reasons I do not mind battling against our allies in the air, is that my damage wont move the needle. 25 kills = 4kish in damage.

Back to Mercenary Medal...

I am going to try something to experiment with the cost of fighting and compare the air battle cost, to a ground battle cost. I am going to use a Q4 wep to minimize cost in this one. I was able to purchase them at .61 cc on the market.

30. (Cuba vs Mexico, Oriente, Ground Battle) - 23 Q4 Weps @ .61 cc - cost me 14 cc, 1000 health used. 333 Q3 @ 0.62 cc @ market was 207 cc. Total of this was 221 cc and left me with 0 health. That sucked. It used more energy and more money. This scenario was not better then Air Battles. I did collect a damage booster (50% for 2 hours) due to the prestige points I collected.

Interesting turn of events in London, It is now being occupied by Colombia allowing me to do my combat orders without traveling AND opening up Peru. Sadly, can’t take advantage. With a 50 cc Q5 ticket in my hand just purchased on the market, it’s time to come home to work my companies and to finish my combat order.


Day 8 - (3,652)

Start Location: Kansas, USA
Ended Location: Madrid, Spain
Travel: Amazonica, Colombia (40 cc) - Madrid, Spain (50 cc)
Daily Expenses: 551 cc

Daily routine completed. Had to wait for Daily Orders to be given, as the old ones were on old wars. EZC made the change and I was able to complete them. Its imperative that you join an MU that is active and changing their combat orders. You could get stuck all day without being able to do them if the commander forgets.

Need to travel soon, so I have to pick my spot. Will probably try something in middle Europe once I reach 1200 health.

I ended up in Amazonica, Colombia (40 cc) due to purchasing 20k of Q4 food on the cheap and later selling on US market for profit. I have Peru and Portugal here I can tackle.

31. (Peru vs Croatia, Southern Low Amazon, Air Battle) - No Weps, 780 health used. 390 Q2 @ 0.42 cc @ market puts me at 164 cc.

Quick Tip: I fought this last battle on mobile, and the battle was no longer available at the time of updating this article. I went here and was able to find the battle. It basically gives you history behind all the battles that have taken place. You can also search other things while you are there (Current Wars, possible BH, CH and FF medals). Also the best prices for any product around the world, and many other things. I would recommend that site to anyone if you have never seen it.

32. (Portugal vs Venezuela, Zulian, Air Battle) - No Weps, 690 health used. 345 Q2 @ 0.43 cc @ market puts me at 148 cc. Received 5 Energy Bars from the prestige points weekly award. Market prices, at least in the eUSA have skyrocketed.

Done in Colombia, I made my way to the West European Theater: Madrid, Spain. It was a Q5 ticket (50 cc). Here I find myself with a couple options before I move on: Saudi Arabia and Slovenia. (Not worth the move here, as I am sure I could find a better location for additional targets, but this will do for now.)

33. (Saudi Arabia vs Spain, Ha'il, Air Battle) - No Weps, 710 health used. 710 Q1 @ 0.21 cc @ market puts me at 149 cc.

Day 9 - (3,653)

Start Location: Madrid, Spain
Ended Location: Kansas, USA
Travel: Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy (Slovenia) (20 cc), Kansas, USA (50 cc)
Daily Expenses: 818 cc

Good Morning eRepublik, Happy 10th anniversary! I woke up to find the market in disarray and really no other countries to fight for here. I also woke up to the first reward (+1000 Energy) that the admins are giving us for the next 10 days. This will definitely help (I think) make things much quicker.

I am headed to Slovenia which has a lot of options. Now that I know this, this needs to be my next destination for Mercenary / Freedom Fighter Medals in the future. There are various training wars and battles that are great here including Slovenia, Austria, Switzerland, Nigeria.

34. (Switzerland vs Solvenia, Graubunden, Air Battle) - No Weps, 710 health used. 178 Q4 @ 1.02 cc @ market puts me at 181 cc.

35. (Austria vs Solvenia, Vorarlberg, Air Battle) - No Weps, 720 health used. 180 Q4 @ 1.00 cc @ market puts me at 180 cc.

36. (Slovenia vs Austria, Vorarlberg, Air Battle) - No Weps, 750 health used. 188 Q4 @ 1.00 cc @ market puts me at 188 cc.

37. (Nigeria vs Slovenia, North West States, Air Battle) - No Weps, 770 health used. 154 Q5 @ 1.29 cc @ market puts me at 199 cc.

So I ended up traveling back home after the Nigeria kills. Finished my Daily Orders from my MU, and worked my companies. The energy bar is great, but man, I am using up food like crazy.

Day 10 - (3,654)

Start Location: Kansas, USA
Ended Location: Red Sea Coast, Egypt
Travel: West Georgia, Romania (51 cc), Tirana, Albania (20 cc), Midtjylland, Denmark (occupied by Germany - 40 cc), Burgas, Bulgaria (40 cc), Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Germany (occupied by Poland - 40 cc), Lower Egypt, Egypt (occupied by Turkey - 40 cc), Red Sea Coast, Egypt 20 cc
Countries complete😛 49/50
Daily Expenses: 8,749 cc
Total Expenses: 14,879 cc

So I woke up this morning, and I cannot believe the market. Prices have skyrocketed to ridiculous levels (Q1 was .20 a few days ago, today over 1.00 cc) The weekly rewards are ridiculous as well. After finishing my Daily Order, I could already recover over +120 Energy over a 6 min time period. Food RAW yesterday was at 4.00, today over 15.00 cc. I worked my companies and hoping the price of everything regulates soon.

Traveling soon, just need to pick a place where I can get 2-3 countries in one go.

West Georgia, Romania it is for a Q5 ticket (51 cc). I was able to find Iran, Romania and Georgia here.

38. (Romania vs Georgia, West Georgia, Air Battle) - No Weps, 730 health used. 104 Q7 @ 9.40 cc @ market puts me at 978 cc. Wow. My reward is out the door. Unless someone is supplying food - this is now expensive as hell. Luckily you were stockpiling all the food from the AARP program hopefully 🙂

39. (Georgia vs Romania, West Georgia, Air Battle) - No Weps, 740 health used. 105 Q7 @ 9.40 cc @ market puts me at 987 cc. I am not buying the food on the market and using my stock pile, but this would suck for Noobies. Lesson here, stockpile as much as you can before big events like this one. And don't go after Medals during this time. True Patriot is the way to go.

40. (Iran vs Pakistan, Sindh, Air Battle) - No Weps, 770 health used. 257 Q3 @ 2.79 cc @ market puts me at 716 cc. Another good lesson during these times, if you wait just a little bit, you might save yourself some cash. I am trying to finish out today because at this point you get the point, especially if you have read through everything up until now. I also received a +2000 Storage reward from prestige points today, so that was really cool.

I am going to report to the Gyanste Foundation my Daily Orders and my Air kills for the week so I can receive a new batch of rewards this coming Saturday. Again, its important to keep up on all the rewards.

Moved to Tirana, Albania for 20 cc. Have a few fights here I can get out of the way. Australia, Albania and Venezuela.

41. (Albania vs Russia, Tirana, Air Battle) - No Weps, 720 health used. 144 Q5 @ 4.59 cc @ market puts me at 661 cc.

42. (Australia vs Peru, Queensland, Air Battle) - No Weps, 720 health used. 144 Q5 @ 4.59 cc @ market puts me at 661 cc. Collected another +1 energy with prestige points. I also now Aviator *****. Only 8 more to go.

43. (Venezuela vs Portugal, Venezuelan Andean, Air Battle) - No Weps, 750 health used. 144 Q5 @ 4.50 cc @ market puts me at 675 cc. Received another +1 of energy through Prestige points.

I am rocking and rolling with 3000 Energy tank and +120 Energy every 6 min. Obviously my day 10 is not sustainable due the market prices of food, and also my Energy being increased by 2000 and +100. But I am going to enjoy trying to get to 50 before the end of the day. The best part of the end of the mercenary medal is being able to jump to the countries you need to and just finish it off.

Flew to Midtjylland, Denmark (occupied by Germany) - 40 cc. (Took a moment here to get my freedom fighter hit as well.)

44. (Denmark vs Germany, Midtjylland, Air Battle) - No Weps, 690 health used. 138 Q5 @ 4.50 cc @ market puts me at 621 cc. I was able to get 10 Q5 tickets with the prestige points. Very useful when you are jumping long distances.

The issue here is that Bulgaria and Macedonia are both allies and available, but I am moving on. I do not care to hit for either one. Even if they are losing or its a training war, cant do it.

Moving on to Burgas, Bulgaria 40 cc to fight for a resistance war for India. Its all about the Freedom Fighter / Mercenary Combo at this point.

45. (India vs Bulgaria, Jharkhand, Air Battle) - No Weps, 690 health used. 138 Q5 @ 4.50 cc @ market puts me at 621 cc. One of the nice things, is that I leveled up to Level 43 while fighting and that gave me an extra gold plus renewed my energy. IF you are close to leveling up, make sure to save that so you can maximize it. I also received a +1 on my energy refills (+121 on the road now) plus a 50% damage booster that lasts me 2 hours. Thank you Plato.

Traveled to Poland, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Never heard of the place, but a little research shows me this is Germany for 40 cc. I have Belarus, Russia and Malaysia that I can do Air battles with no additional traveling. I can also probably do Romania, but I need an active war as that one is expiring.

46. (Belarus vs Poland, Minkskaya, Air Battle) - No Weps, 760 health used. 152 Q5 @ 4.50 cc @ market puts me at 684 cc.

47. (Russia vs Albania, Tirana, Air Battle) - No Weps, 750 health used. 125 Q6 @ 5.40 cc @ market puts me at 675 cc. +1 Energy Bar for prestige points, yum yum yum.

Ok - Quick two for one traveling to an occupied Turkey location (Lower Egypt, Egypt) for 40 cc. Ill be able to hit Turkey and Egypt in the same fight.

48. (Turkey vs Egypt, Red Sea Coast, Air Battle) - No Weps, 750 health used. 125 Q6 @ 5.40 cc @ market puts me at 675 cc.

Ok I made the mistake that I need to travel to Egypt now... ugh... 20 cc later.

49. (Egypt vs Turkey, Red Sea Coast, Air Battle) - No Weps, 750 health used. 125 Q6 @ 5.40 cc @ market puts me at 675 cc.

50. (Armenia vs Turkey, Central Armenia, Air Battle) - No Weps, 770 health used. 129 Q6 @ 5.40 cc @ market puts me at 693 cc. I received 2 small bombs from the prestige points (use on national country for True Patriot), also made Flight Lieutenant on this last one. I have grown quite a bit on this journey.

Conclusion: Best places (Based on Todays resistance wars and MPP's) to travel for the Mercenary Medal: USA, Serbia, Poland and Slovenia. My next attempt will be to just travel to those places and see if I can nail most of my kills there, versus jumping around so much.

To all that were brave to read through my full journey, I hope that my good and bad decisions have helped you understand this game a little bit better. The important thing is to have fun, make your own experience and do whatever you want. Oh, and don't pay attention to Day 10... that wont occur 350 times in a calendar year. You just caught me trying to do this journey on anniversary week.

And if you look at the comments left behind, there is some good solid advice. But note, not everything will go as planned or how you thought they would end. Exhibit one. 🙂

Hope you enjoyed it and come back soon, when I log my next journey. (I wont do anything until after the anniversary though).