No profit from Freedom Fighter hunting? Hallelujah!

Day 3,640, 11:37 Published in USA Russia by Pokryshkin

My only income for the time being is FF medals hunting (except working ofc). I took time and effort to find out whether it’s worth it. The maths is disappointing.

To get the medal you must fight in a series of successful Resistance Wars and make 25, 50 and 75 kills in each war. The first series starts from 3 wars and each next series adds 1 war to the sequence – 4, 5, 6, etc. (25/50/75 kills in each). After the series of 10’s the counter resets to 3 and starts anew.
God bless Bill Gates, Excel gives us the number – you must score 7,800 kills to complete the full FF quest row. Each kill costs me around 3 currency (30 energy per kill on the average at approximately 0.1/energy price). This amounts to 23,400 currency total to pay for food.

I try to fight only in air rounds so I almost have no weaponry expenses. Free tickets drop from weekly challenges but they are not enough. Changing locations back and forth to participate in battles makes the money sink even deeper. Say, 50 travels at 40 bucks per trip makes another -2000.
-$25,400 is the debit side.

And how much do I earn? With decent 1% tax each FF medal brings me 990 currency. 24 successful wars generate 23,760 cc. Net loss is -1,640 сс. Not to say that sometimes RW’s are not successful and you may fail to score the required number of kills due to lack of energy pool.

Looks frustrating given the effort it takes. I hunt like a mad dog never getting richer. Captain Obvious, you finally here. 🙂

Your ideas and experience on how to make my ends meet would be highly appreciated.