Do You Feel Like a VIP? | [VIP Edition] | Update from the eRep Team!

5,875 jour, 05:22 Published in Croatia Croatie de Janko Fran

I dedicate this article to all of my eRepublik friends.
You are all VIP to me.

And I would especially like to thank Celanawe, Rabbit of Caerbannog, CrOmielga, Dirty.Harry, Schr0dingers cat, Don Luigi and Sir Caspian!
Thank you for having a big heart!

Day 5,875 | Dec 21, 2023

Do You Feel Like a VIP? | [VIP Edition] | Update from the eRep Team!

Yesterday we got a big surprise from Plato!

So if you opened your inbox yesterday, you could have read a message from Plato introducing a new eRepublik feature in the game: The VIP Shop.

Click on the image if you want to see how big the surprise was!

And to be honest, I got not only very surprised, but also very shocked.


eRepublik Labs development is alive!

And they implemented a new feature in the game!


After so many years...

Meaning that all these ingame purchases that eRepublik citizens made in this year gathered enough profit not only for the shareholders of the Stillfront Group, but also for the eRepublik game developers to create something new.

And although this feature has been created in order to try to squeeze even more money from the game community of a dying or at least withering game in the online game market, it's still a welcome change...

Yes, it might be that some of us are just that desperate, bored or hungry of attention from the eRepublik Labs game studio, that we consider even this change welcome....

Any change...


Just give us something...

So we can feel that rush again...

Just another fix more...

But this time different...

PF Project - Choose Life
Click on the image above to watch and listen to the music video...

My impressions are still settling...

And it was a bit like on the Oprah show, when regular people from the audience get a VIP something...

Or they already are VIPs just by attending Oprah show?

And the regular people are those watching them on TV...

What's important is that we are now all VIPs as we have access to the VIP shop and that we shall be all given proper care by the eRepublik customer service team.

Basically, the VIP Shop behaves, as Clopoyaur said it on Clopoyaur TV on Twitch, like a sink...

But a VIP sink!

And when I say a VIP sink, think of it as something like this...
But for VIPs of course...

A VIP sink for all of these things we have too much in this game...

Things like Food Raw Materials, Weapon Raw Materials and especially Gold...

Players always have too much gold and this is a way to get rid of it so the Players, all of us, could buy more Gold and different ingame items for RL money...

It's pure Consumer Economics 101.

However, as with all new things in eRepublik, we want change in the game, but when it comes, some of us resist it, for at least some time, until we try it, accept it, and until it becomes a habit, just like Work-Train-Fight procedure in the double-click mode, which btw. becomes more and more attractive option for me in order to get more resources from this game...

Especially the most valuable one: time...

And all of the resources will not be a problem to spend at all in the VIP Shop.

For now it's a new thing and not so relevant for the game, but with time, I am sure of it, the VIP Shop will become increasingly more important aspect of the game, especially for VIP p(l)ayers.


VIP Shop Specifics

So what do we know about VIP Shop?

VIP Levels: 0 - 10

VIP Level 0

As a VIP Customer Level 0, not that much...

So we learned from this image that there will be (at least) 10 Levels in the VIP Shop and that certain items in the VIP SHop are only available when you reach a certain VIP Level.

So for me, as a VIP Level 0 player, only x2 Damage Accelerator is available to buy in the VIP Shop at the moment.

x2 Damage Accelerator [3 min]

The price?

A bargain... 0.7 Gold

Its duration?

3 min. (I have bought one and checked it.)

x2 Damage Accelerator [3 min], Price (30% Off): 0.7 Gold, Quantity Limit: 10

For now I have plenty of Damage Accelerators in my inventory, almost exclusively x2 Damage Accelerators, so I am not going to buy them for now...

However, I am sure that the time to start buying them will come very soon as I have 13 Damage Accelerators in total duration of 80 min (or 1 h and 20 min), but I have 144 Prestige Point Boosters [3 min] in total duration of 432 min or 7 hours and 12 min.

And if I would want to use them somewhat efficiently, I'd soon be in a deficit of 352 min (or 5 h and 52 min) and I'd need 118 x2 Damage Accelerators to cover that duration.
I am sure that 1 gold contained in the Gifts would be covering the difference and 0.3 Gold per Gift would still be left...

The total price for that purchase of 118 x2 Damage Accelerators?
82.6 Gold, spread over 12 days, 7 Gold per day.

If I already haven't spent most of that gold...

Of course, one could use Prestige Point Boosters without any Damage Accelerator, however that's really inefficient. More details on this topic you could read in my last article [url=Priceless Gifts]Priceless Gift[/url].

Recommendation: Buy!

How to Get to the Next VIP Level?

Make sure to click every day on the Claim button in the VIP Shop and claim some more VIP Points.

When you click on it, you'll get something like this:

The Claim button then becomes the Claimed button (I marked it with a red rectangular frame).

Daily VIP Points Progress

You start with 20 VIP Points to claim on the 1st day. On the 2nd day you can claim additional 40 VIP Points, 60 VIP Points on the 3rd day, 80 on the 4th and so on, until the 10th day when you are able to claim 200 VIP Points and new VIP Points stay the same so you can claim additional 200 VIP Points on each consecutive day after the 10th...

Shorter, your total VIP Points score in mathematical terms:
Total VIP Points: 20 + 40 + 60 + 80 + ... + 200 + 200 + 200 + ...
Daily VIP Points: 20 | 40 | 60 | 80 | ... | 200 | 200 | 200 | ...
Day Counter ## : D1 | D2 | D3 | D4 | ... | D10 | D11 | D12 | ...

Or more graphically:

Total VIP Points, Daily VIP Points Increase vs. Days

Additional Daily VIP Points Increase

Level Progress vs Days

VIP Level 1

+50% Ground Damage [2 h]

+50% Ground Damage [2 h], Price (85% Off): 77 Food Raw Material, Quantity Limit: 10

Recommendation: Buy!

VIP Level 2

At level 2 we have 2 new items: a 1000 unit Storage and a Simple Energy Bar (100 Energy Points).

+1000 Storage

+1000 Storage, Price (50% Off): 227 Food Raw Material, Quantity Limit: 5

When compared to the 20000 Storage in Gold Store at price of 100 Gold or 5 Gold per 1000 Storage, and its price converted from 227 FRM at 6.99 CC to 1.59 Gold, it's a no brainer.

Recommendation: Buy!

Simple Energy Bars

Simple Energy Bars, Price (45% Off): 1.4 Gold, Quantity Limit: 10

Its equivalent energy of a 100 Energy Bar at 1.4 Gold is cheaper than in Gold Store when compared to 100 Energy Bar golden standard of 1.95 Gold for 10 Double Energy Bars at 39 Gold base price, although not as cheap as on Black Friday when a 100 Energy Bar equivalent for the same 10 Double Energy Bars package at 27.3 Gold costs 1.365 Gold, but it's very close to that price point. So it's almost like this week is Black Friday...

Recommendation: Buy!

VIP Level 3

Ghost Booster

Ghost Booster [1 min], Price (25% Off): 56 Weapon Raw Material, Quantity Limit: 10

At current price of WRM at 35.28 CC the Ghost Booster costs 1975.68 CC or 1.98 Gold.

Recommendation: Buy Maybe...

Buy only if you need it and if you have already bought +50% Ground Damage Booster and want to combine them together in order to grow (your rank?) faster. Otherwise it seems a bit expensive and not bringing that much. However, I might be wrong... Let me know in the comments...

Don't buy it if you are more focused on Air Division and don't buy it if you only fight for TP medals. In that case buy +50% Ground Damage Booster instead.

Double Energy Bars

Double Energy Bars, Price (40% Off): 3 Gold, Quantity Limit: 10

It's equivalent energy of a 100 Energy Bar at 1.5 Gold is cheaper than in Gold Store when compared to 100 Energy Bar golden standard of 1.95 Gold for 10 Double Energy Bars at 39 Gold base price, it's more expensive than on Black Friday deal and slightly more expensive than Simple Energy Bar from VIP Level 2. So buy Simple Energy Bars first and buy this one only if you need some more Energy Bars. Still, as the difference is not that much, my recommendation is Buy!

Recommendation: Buy.

VIP Shop Items - Limited Edition

We also learned that the quantities of (all?) items are limited.

And that the price stays the same for each additional item that we purchase.

So it's not like with buying Fuel in the Gold Store, where the price of Fuel increases with every Fuel item bought.

VIP Level Thresholds

So how many points do we need for each VIP Level?

Some VIP players have tried this new VIP Shop feature and these are some examples:

VIP Level 3

VIP Level 4

VIP Level 7

VIP Level 8, Mobile Version

As there are still bugs on mobile version of eRepublik with showing the prices in VIP Shop, here is a desktop screenshot of Level 8 VIP Shop:

VIP Level 8, Desktop Version

So this is what we know about level thresholds at the moment...

VIP 0: 0-199 VIP Points
VIP 1: 200 - 599 VIP Points
VIP 2: 600 - 1199 VIP Points
VIP 3 : 1200 - 3499 VIP Points
VIP 4 : 3500 - 5999 VIP Points
VIP 5 : 6000 - 11499 VIP Points
VIP 6 : 11500 - 17499 VIP Points
VIP 7 : 17500 - 34999 VIP Points
VIP 8 : 35000 - 74999 VIP Points
VIP 9 : 75000
- 99999? VIP Points
VIP 10: 100000? - 150000? VIP Points

The numbers in italics with a '?' behind them are only my estimates based on ratios of the sequence progress...

I also tried with ChatGPT, but that didn't give the best conclusive results.

So if you could correct me and/or fill in the verified information, that would be very useful!

Please, feel free to contact me on PM (but only if you are a VIP player that level or higher) 😉

Otherwise, leave it in the comment, like regular peasant players that most of us (still) are...

In the mean time I have submitted a ticket to the eRepublik support Team, but that deserved a whole article section at the end...

So either continue reading, or if you are a VIP player scroll down to the
VIP Level Thresholds Ticket | [VIP Section].

Daily VIP Progress

And we know that we could gain VIP points every day by visiting the VIP Shop.

As most of you, I got:
Day 5,874: 20 VIP points (on the 1st day),
Day 5,875: 40 VIP points (on the 2nd day),
Day 5,876: 60 VIP points (on the 3rd day).

So I have collected 120 VIP Points in the first 3 days.

I am wondering how many VIP points will I get tomorrow.

If I'd have to guess, I'd say 80 VIP points.

If the VIP step keeps increasing 20 VIP points each day like:
20 + 40 + 60 + 80 then you might reach Level 1 tomorrow, or in 4 days in total.

But the time will tell... So let's see it tomorrow...

However, if you are a VIP person, like me, then you don't want to waste time (only money) and wait for the next VIP Level tomorrow or next week...
You want it now!
And then I bought a Daily Bundle and skipped directly from VIP Level 0 to VIP Level 2!

Because I am a VIP Person now, I have to satisfy other people's expectations of impressing them...

And if you see other VIP persons, like me, buying VIP Packs, you don't want to stay behind, you will feel that pressure in this article and on VIP shop and there is this phenomenal 30% extra Winter Sale discount on things you would otherwise probably not want, less even need, but you will still buy them as you don't want to miss that chance and who knows if there will be another chance and when (actually there will be one next year at around the same time and there are 4 Seasons in a year and a Seasonal Discount every 3 months, but if you are a VIP Person, like me, you don't have time to wait for another year or another 3 months and you don't want to risk it so you'll buy it today.)

VIP Level Progress [VIP Section]

Of course, I you are a true VIP, then you must be very busy and you do not have time to waste on waiting forever for the next level to come via daily progress...

In that case you go directly to the Shop and select one of the options.

Now, I need your full attention!

As I am going to discover you something that 99.99% of eRepublik players have missed so far!

It's the Incredibly Bestest, The Best Ever Best Buy Option in eRepublik!!!

VIP Points - The Incredibly Bestest, The Best of the Best Best Buy Options

If you are looking for the best of the best, the bestest buy option if you will, at least regarding the VIP Point value provided for your money, then you will enjoy this hidden jewel and buy it right now as it is a no brainer!

Monthly Gold Pack - Small - 200 x € [VIP Points] (580 VIP Points for as little as 2.9€)

For only €2.90 you can get as many as 580 VIP Points!

Yes, I know, it is incredible!
That is a 200x the value in € for your purchase.

And on top of that you also get 60 Gold in 30 daily installments of 2 Gold per day, so that is 2 Gold present to yourself every day for the next 30 days.


It'like having Christmas not only on Christmas Day, it's like having 30 Christmas Days in a row!


And as a little token of appreciation you will also get 3 Loyalty Points worth 0.5 Gold in total!

But that is not all!

Since we care for our VIP players,
and since it is the Winter Holiday season,
you will also get:

2 Priceless Gifts, each of them containing:

1 Gold worth, well, exactly 1 Gold,
6 Treats worth 5.85 Gold,
1 Power Point Booster worth 368.55 Gold
and last, but not least,
2x gift of friendship!, which will bring happiness up to 2 friends of yours and incredible amount of happiness to you for giving away these two priceless gifts to your loved ones and sharing the happiness!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and Winter Holidays!
Feel free to enjoy in all of this now for the full 30 days and you can thank us later next year!

Its total value is 580 VIP Points that will launch you to at least VIP level 1, perhaps even higher, plus we have all the other items within the Monthly Gold Pack - Small, with a total value of incredibly high 812.80 Gold.

So if we sum it all up, that's incredibly lucrative offer in such a seemingly tiny little package!

Who would have thought that?

The Incredibly Bestest, The Best of the Best Best Buy VIP Options - Monthly Gold Pack - Small - 200 x € [VIP Points] (580 VIP Points for as little as 2.9€)

It's the Best of the Best Best Buy Options!
You Haven't Bought it Yet?
Buy! Buy! Buy!

VIP Points - Best Buy

If you are looking for the best buy option regarding the VIP Point value provided for your money, then please, there is no need to look any further!

The Daily Bundle is the pack for you!

What no other pack is offering to you is offered in the Daily Bundle - that is more than 100x the value in Euros you spend.

That is more than 10,500.00% return in VIP points on the value in Euros you are investing in a Daily Bundle!

Daily Bundle - 105.10 x € [VIP Points] (515 VIP Points for only 4.9€)

And please, do not make me need to remind you that you should buy a Daily Bundle every day!

Because if you do not, there is certainly plenty of other VIP players who will!

And that is the most important, we do not want to fall behind on those VIP Points, are we not?

Best Buy VIP Pack - Daily Bundle - 105.10 x € [VIP Points] (515 VIP Points for only 4.9€)

Buy, Buy! These are the Best Buy Options!

Hero Pack XS - Don't Buy

Hero Pack XS offers the same amount of VIP Points for the same amount of Euros as Daily Bundle, but overall it offers less items.

Best Buy VIP Pack - Hero Pack XS - 105.10 x € [VIP Points] (515 VIP Points for only 4.9€)

17 Gold Option - Don't Buy.

Similarly, 17 Gold option offers the same 105.10 x € [VIP Points] factor, but the price of the gold doesn't justify the overall value for your buck.

VIP Pack - 17 Gold - 105.10 x € [VIP Points] (515 VIP Points for only 4.9€)

Therefore, my recommendation is Don't Buy.

Instead, for the same amount of 4.9€ buy the Daily Bundle, which contains everything that 17 Gold Pack contains + 1 Vehicle Blueprint + 3 Fuel + 7 Energy Bars + 50 Overtime Points.

The same goes for Hero Pack XS, just buy the Daily Bundle and you'll get everything from Hero Pack XS + 1 Vehicle Blueprint + 3 Fuel + 17 Gold + 50 Overtime Points.

The only exception, when you could consider buying a Hero Pack XS is if you urgently need more Energy Bars than there is in a Daily Bundly, but still, buy the Daily Bundle first, Hero Pack XS second.

17 Gold & Hero Pack XS - 105.10 x € [VIP Points] (515 VIP Points for only 4.9€) - Don't Buy - Buy Daily Bundle Instead!

17 Gold & Hero Pack XS - Don't Buy - Buy Daily Bundle Instead!

Hero Pack XS - Buy Maybe! Only if you have already bought the Daily Bundle that day and you urgently need more Energy Bars.

Overall Best Buy

If you want a balanced option with the best value for your money overall, not only regarding the VIP Points, but also an excellent option in that regard, then you should definitely buy the Power Pack.

Power Pack will make you not only a successful player in eRepublik, it will also make you happier!

And you will become a better person.
A VIP Person.

Something that you always secretly wanted.

Power Pack - 100 x € [VIP Points] (1490 VIP Points for only 14.9€)

And now it is here for merely 14.9€ + 1490 VIP Points and it will serve you for a full month!

You don't want to miss this chance, especially now in Christmas Holiday season!

Treat yourself!

Working hard all year and hunting medals...

You have deserved it!

Now it is time to finally reward yourself!

Best Buy! Overall - Power Pack - 100 x € [VIP Points] (1490 VIP Points for only 14.9€)

Best Buy! Overall!

Excellent VIP Options

For instance Blitzkrieg Pack gives you now even better value for your money.

Blitzkrieg Pack - 100 x € [VIP Points] (1990 VIP Points for 19.9€)

The same holds for the Maverick Pack and Infantry Kit.

Maverick Pack - 100 x € [VIP Points] (1990 VIP Points for 19.9€)

Infantry Kit - 100 x € [VIP Points] (1990 VIP Points for 19.9€)

Now you get 1990 extra VIP points with your 19.9€ purchase whether it's a Blitzkrieg Pack, a Maverick Pack or an Infantry Kit.

VIP Packs - 100 x € [VIP Points] (1990 VIP Points for 19.9€)

Recommendation: Buy!

Great VIP Options

Now come a bit smaller packs, but with the same leverage factor of 100 x € [VIP Points], which are all also great VIP options to buy. You'd only need more purchases for the same absolute amount of VIP Points as these packages are simply smaller in absolute amounts, but the same in relative amounts as the Excellent VIP Options in the previous section.

Monthly Gold Pack - Big - 100 x € [VIP Points] (990 VIP Points for 9.9€)

Monthly Gold Pack - Big - 100 x € [VIP Points] (990 VIP Points for 9.9€)

Combat Stash - 100 x € [VIP Points] (990 VIP Points for 9.9€)

Combat Stash - 100 x € [VIP Points] (990 VIP Points for 9.9€)

War Stash - 100 x € [VIP Points] (990 VIP Points for 9.9€)

38 Gold - 100 x € [VIP Points] (990 VIP Points for 9.9€)

Hero Pack S - 100 x € [VIP Points] (990 VIP Points for 9.9€)

War Stash, Hero Pack S, 38 Gold - 100 x € [VIP Points] (990 VIP Points for 9.9€)

Recommendation: Buy!

VIP Point Priority Options

If you want to progress through VIP levels even faster and VIP Points are your priority, you are in luck as there are two more packs that offer you even greater VIP progress:

98 Gold Pack - 100 x € [VIP Points] (2490 VIP Points for 24.9€)

Hero Pack M - 100 x € [VIP Points] (2490 VIP Points for 24.9€)

So if you just want to progress fast through VIP levels, you don't care about the money. However, if you want the best value for your money can buy, then perhaps you should think twice...

As with the first one, the 98 Gold Pack won't get you as much gold as with some other options like 450 Gold Pack or Game Token packs, but when Gold and VIP Points are in question, there is no time to waste...

And for the second one, the Hero Pack M, yes, you'll get plenty of VIP points, but not that great value for your buck when it concerns Energy Bars as the Hero Pack XS and Hero Pack S both get you more for your value...

But as I said already, who cares about the money when the VIP status is at stake...

Recommendation: Buy Carefully!

VIP Points Emergency Options

Let's say you are a VIP player and you notice that some other VIP player boasts that they are on a higher VIP level than you. In that case you need to take out the big guns, preferably VISA or Mastercard, and go for one of the following options which might beat that other dirty, I mean, worthy, VIP oponent:

If you go for a 263 Gold Pack, you'll get more Gold, but less VIP Points for your Buck (Eur that is) although more VIP Points in absolute amount.

263 Gold Pack - 80 x € [VIP Points] (4792 VIP Points for 59.9€)

And if you go for Hero Pack L, you'll get LESS Energy Bars AND LESS VIP Points for your Euros...

Hero Pack L - 80 x € [VIP Points] (4792 VIP Points for 59.9€)

Which is really strange...

I would like to offer players more value for their money, not less...

I think eRepublik Labs doesn't have that great game designers, or whoever creates eRepublik economy as if you wanted to increase your profits, you should encourage big spending, not discourage it...

I hope they fix this as it really doesn't make sense to me...
I mean, it's the first week of VIP Shop only...

VIP Status Critical - Nuclear VIP Option

And if these two packages don't help you overtake your VIP oponent,
you just have no other choice, but to choose one of these two options:

450 Gold Pack - 60 x € [VIP Points] (5994 VIP Points for 99.9€)

Hero Pack XL - 60 x € [VIP Points] (5994 VIP Points for 99.9€)

Consider them as the last resort action...
A sort of cold war means to the victory by bankrupting your oponent...
And probably yourself as well...
But what is important it to bankrupt them first.
So you win.

Or think of them as nuclear weapons in a credit cards world war III.
And as with nuclear weapons, using them if your oponent doesn't have a credit card is an overkill, but you could always threaten with it.
And if your oponent has a credit card, then using it yourself is more like an arms race or an act of desperation...

Nor you, nor your opponent will be happy using this option...
But you have no other choice...
You know it will hurt your wallet, but you know it will destroy your opponent... Eventually...
Before they destroy you...

So these two mostly serve as deterrence...
Or at least most of the time...
Anyway, I haven't seen those two much in the use...

Recommendation: Buy If You Must!

Game Token Packs

Game Token Packs - 10 x € [VIP Points]

Should you buy them?

It depends. If you play the long game, have time and need CC or Gold in the long run, there is no better pack than the Game Token packs.

Let's calculate the value of the Tokens Pack XS:

So you get
49 Game Tokens (worth 697.47 Gold) +
5 Loyalty Points (worth 0.83 Gold) +
4 Gifts (worth 4x5.1 Gold = 20.4 Gold + 4xPP Boosters, or 315.36 Gold in Total)
Total Value being amazing 1013.66 Gold!

If you are focused on VIP Points (and/or Energy Bars) and need them quickly, then don't buy a Token Pack, since you wouldn't get any VIP points (nor Energy Bars).

Buy Maybe!

Overall - Buy!
Good for long term investment at great price!

VIP Points - Don't Buy!
Not suitable if you collect VIP Points in order to increase your VIP level or if you need something urgently.

VIP Level Thresholds Ticket | [VIP Section]

And as a real VIP person that demands to know it now,
I immediately wrote a ticket to the eRepublik Team customer support asking for some specifics on VIP Level Thresholds and if there will be more VIP levels introduced...

And their Top Customers department handled that.

I just got a reply from the eRepublik Team!
So, as you are all my VIP readers and you deserve to know, I am sharing with you what they wrote to me.

As it is against the TOS to do screenshots or to cite them word per word, but it is not againste the TOS to rephrase it, so that's what I'll do.

In short they highlighted a policy of not discussing future promotions and encouraged community exploration on VIP Level thresholds.

So happy exploring and I hope you discover those thresholds for yourself as soon as possible!

Please, let me know!

And I wish you all

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and nice Winter holidays with your loved ones!

See you next year!

Sincerely yours,
Janko Fran

P.S. Spread the Word

If you find this article interesting and/or useful, feel free to shout it and let your friends read it:

Do You Feel Like a VIP? |
Update from eRep Team! |
A Hidden Jewel - The Incredbly Bestest The Best of The Best Best Buy Options
[VIP Edition]


This article is covering VIP Shop Items from Level 0 to Level 3.
VIP Shop Items from Level 4 & Level 5 are covered in my next article:

VIP Shop | Level 5 & 4 | VIP Level Progress | [VIP Edition]


VIP Shop [Published on Day 5,874 in Hungary by taleum in Hungarian]

VIP Shop [Published on Day 5,874 in Hungary by taleum in English]

MEMeR | VIP Section