Amazing Bulldogs 4th for Damage in eUK

Day 1,718, 08:08 Published in Poland United Kingdom by Grogu.


New Era is running 20 Candidiates for Congress on the 25th October.

We dream of a eUK where we do things, not because it has always been that way and run by the same people, but because they are the fun things to do run by active people. A vote for us will see in this New Era.

Congressmen have three main features, here is our policy on each:

1) Congress Medal Gold
Each winning New Era candidate will donate their 5g reward back to the Party, this will be used to invest in Companies and Training Grounds for our active newer players.
Last month's Congress Medal Gold was spent on three WRM Mines.

2) Citizenship Passes
Despite the propaganda and scare tactics, New Era does not want Open Borders.
We will follow the current Citizenship rules imposed by the President, althought we will argue for a new system using a council of all Parties and not just one Polish Citizen with their own agenda deciding who is in and who is out.
Any New Era Congressman breaking the current rules will not be selected as a Congress Candidiate next month.

3) Laws
We will be discussing Law changes with Congressman from other Parties and working as a team to get them implemented. New Era will be doing a lot of work on our policies over the next month and we want you to join us in deciding what they should be.

At New Era we always promote the new player, some of the eUKs best old players started as active new players full of new and useful ideas. This is why in each Congress Election we will always make sure that new players get their chance to be a Congressman and take part in eUK at the highest levels!

In saying that we also need some experienced players to help the new ones grow. That is why I think we have choosen the best candidates for the role this month based on how active they are, what they have brought to the country and their overall skills.

Please remember that we can only run 20 people for Congress each month. If you didn't get onto the list, or if you want to be higher on the list, we will be happy to do this next month if you show us how active you are!

Try posting Newspaper Articles, Comments, Shouts or get onto the following places:
New Era Party -
#newera @ Rizon IRC
Bulldogs Military Unit - #BulldogsHQ @ Rizon IRC
New UK Forums: - #eUK @Rizon IRC

We have some great players on this list and each one a huge asset to the eUK: Let's meet the team !

#1 Ewan Dougall
eRepublik birthday: May 28, 2012
Congress Medals: 0

In terms of roles of responsibility in erep I am a neophyte however I am keen to learn and do my best for the good of the eUK. I am an active player, not having missed a day in my 5 months elife. I am regularly in chat and contribute where I feel it is valuable.

#2 Dr Hugh Jardon
eRepublik birthday: Mar 20, 2012
Congress Medals: 2

New Era believes that communication and unity equals community. I echo those sentiments and will work tirelessly to make this game more accessible to those either choosing not to use the forums, or to those who do not have access.

#3 Howdyho
eRepublik birthday: May 11, 2012
Congress Medals: 0

This is my first chance to run for congress and I promise to do great work for the country , I'm online everyday 2nd commander in the British Bulldog's and willing to help all.

#4 Sam010
eRepublik birthday: Apr 5, 2008
Congress Medals: 2

Since returning to the game after a long absence I was not sure which party to join. After a short stint in another party I realised that they did not have the vitality I was hoping for so I moved to a party that I believed had real activity and ambition to change; New Era.

Voting for New Era is a vote to challenge the establishment in the UK. Whilst some people believe this means New Era just want to disrupt things, I think we- can show how invaluable it is to have people in positions of power not being able to rest on their laurels and having to constantly re-evaluate whether their policies are right for the eUK. We are here to show that we are happy to work on solutions in tandem with the government and other parties, not just to point out the problems.

#5 BaskB
eRepublik birthday: Nov 01, 2009
Congress Medals: 4

3 year old player with previous terms in Congress both here and in a foreign government. I believe in educating the newer generation and teaching them the methods of being a successful congressmen. Being a member of the forum, I'd like to bridge the ever growing gap between the 2 communities while not withstanding the fact that many simply just want to play the game without having to also live on the forums. Keen believer of the NHS program.

#6 Goku Jones
eRepublik birthday: Mar 02, 2009
Congress Medals: 12

New Era is about exploring new options and methods for the future of the UK and not necessarily following the olds ways which have gone before.
I am at the forefront of exploring new possibilities using game mechanics and challenging other players to raise their game.

#7 Ironfist
eRepublik birthday: Oct 07, 2012
Congress Medals: 0

New Era is the party of new player, we look to give more experience and chances for the younger player in the political scene and hope to help them grow and prosper as members of our great country!

#8 King Hannibal of Asia
eRepublik birthday: Jan 28, 2009
Congress Medals: 13

Being a CP 3 times , I have a great understanding of the game and as New Era's PP will continue the good work the party has made.

#9 James Scarlet
eRepublik birthday: Nov 23, 2011
Congress Medals: 0

James is a New player and shows alot of hungry to do well in the game

#10 s5sanya
eRepublik birthday: Feb 24, 2010
Congress Medals: 0

I'm very active player and thank New Era for giving me this chance.

#11 Hollenboer
eRepublik birthday: Jan 25, 2010
Congress Medals: 17

Im a active player and soldier. and im 3 years old almost erep age. enough time spend in gov and congress see my wiki 🙂 that's why. I'm knowing lot's of things about erep.

#12 Riotshock
eRepublik birthday: Nov 07, 2009
Congress Medals: 1

Current New Era congress members has done this term

#13 Franeslo
eRepublik birthday: Nov 03, 2009
Congress Medals: 3

Very active player both in the UK and aboard

#14 Wigibob
eRepublik birthday: Jun 18, 2012
Congress Medals: 1

Current New Era congressman and active irc member played an active role in the team last term

#15 gsfdgfs
eRepublik birthday: Jan 27, 2012
Congress Medals: 1

Very hungry player just come from New Zealand and looking to progress in New Era next month will be moved higher up the list.