A Brief Intro and Interview. Gobble gobble.

Day 1,830, 01:03 Published in USA USA by Candor


We The People Present a Brief introduction and Leadership:

An Interview with the WTP:

1 John Jay, Party President
2 Mazzy Cat, Director Inter-Party Relations (DIPR!)
3 Hale26, Director of Communications/Treasurer
4 rainy sunday, PAC
5 av khan, Director of Mentoring Program
6 Hawkie, Chief of Staff
7 Mike Ontry, Recruting Director/Tech

On the interweb, there are no gilrz. So you are a man. Would you like to lie right off the bat and tell us you are a girl?

1 Yes. I am most certainly a girl.
2 Absolutely! I have boobs, not moobs.
3 I too am a girl. And Mazzy is a cat, regardless of what she says.
4 I am definitely not a girl.
5 I am not a girl I am a pony, well, sometimes.
6 Tch... I could be twice the man most of the fuckers on here are.
7 No....
8 I'm a ghost.

Have you ever operated a toaster oven, and if so, what is your favorite book?

1 No. It by Stephen King
2 Yes. Morgan’s Run by Colleen McCullough
3 Maybe? War and Peace..now if only I could understand it XD.
4 Never. I like trains.
5 Nope. The Catcher in the Rye---J.D. Slinger
6 Yup... you can cook anything in a toaster oven. stephenie meyer JUST KIDDING! Markus Zusak
7 Yes I have and Enders Game.

Once, a long time ago, there was a man named Emerick. His shadow haunts the WTP to this day, and some say Times Square in New York City as well. Do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever seen one?

1 No. No.
2 Yes. No.
3 I’ll get back to you on that. No
4 Yes. I have, in fact, had paranormal encounters.
5 Yes. No.
6 No... but I was walking by a deserted house and the window opened by itself once... close enough.
7 I believe it’s possible. I have never seen one.
8 An Emerick?

If I reported you to DHS as a suspicious person, would you blame me or agree that it was an appropriate precaution considering your rebellious demeanor?

1 I am a rebel, but Kemal hangs all reported. So I’d blame you.
2 Blame you! I’m a DHS Agent.
3 Yes, yes I would blame you. How could I be a threat :3
4 Would this include an all expense paid trip to Kemal’s interrogation chamber?
5 How could you be so cruel in the first place? http://stuffpoint.com/cats/image/51297-cats-cute-cat-wallpaper1.jpg
6 <.>.>
7 I wouldn’t blame you. You can’t be sure of anything...

The WTP consists of mostly all the best people in the eWorld, but if you could draft someone from another party who would that be? And is that because you are in love with them or because they remind you of your mother?
1 DrLuisSientiero. Because he reminds me of my mother.
2 DrLuisSientiero. I’m in love with his accent.
3 Umm...I’m gonna go with what JJ and Mazzy said. And yes, he does remind me of my mother
4 The entire Technocratic Society. Madly in love.
5 Phoenix Quinn. His articles are refreshing.
6 I think everyone should just join WTP and we can have huge mass orgies... everyone’s invited... everyone’s happy.
7 Bia Pandora. Both.
8 The Ghost of Tom Joad, because yes, he reminds me of my mother.

The WTP likes to invite and include people of all races, creeds, and colors, but yet I’ve seen nary a one Alaskan in our party. Why don’t people from Alaska like the WTP do you think?

1 We can’t see Russia from our back decks.
2 We don’t allow snow in.
3 *Can’t think of witty answer
4 Someone said something about snow.
5 They said, we need more igloos.
6 Pretty sure Palin chased everyone out of Alaska... the reason no one’s from there is because no one’s left ^_~
7 We just haven’t recruited them yet.

In the Leadership threads, we hold a daily PPDB to monitor the daily work load, and so that JJ can beat us all with a wooden paddle. Do you secretly like Star Trek from 1961 or being spanked by a wooden paddle?

1 Definitely spanked...
2 Spanked.
4 Trick question. Star Trek was 1966. You get the paddle.
5 I haven’t watched Star Trek, work it out.
6 “Trick question. Star Trek was 1966.”The same thing popped into my head o/
7 How old are you guys?

It’s a fairly well known rumor that Christopher Columbus was a Spaniard, and that he invented the Americas and Indians. Do you think eSpain is full of dirty Spaniards or do you love eAlbanians more?

1 eAlbanians more, fershure.
2 eAlbanians
3 Albania is awesome. Aqqwl looks kindly on them.
4 Albanians rock
5 eAlbanians more
6 From the answers above I’m worried something will happen to me if I don’t say I love eAlbanians.
7 http://youtu.be/iRh5qy09nNw

Since it’s a fairly well known fact that Candor is the laziest of all the WTP leadership and that he will sleep till noon most any day if he can, don’t you think it’s great that he doesn’t run your department? And what is it you do again?

1 Candor is terrible, there I said it.
2 Very great. I talk to other parties and stuff.
3 Hale too can be lazy. I spam...um...communicate with the partiers.
4 I push buttons.
5 No. I am trying to set-up WTP’s own mentor program which would be aimed at improving the activity of newbies.
6 We have departments?
7 Yes that is a good thing. I do whatever I can.

Knowing that the WTP has all these great programs for newbs, what is your favorite program and vegetable?

1 Mentoring. And broccoli.
2 Mentoring. Damn it JJ stop stealing my answers!
3 Mentoring. Forum rewards would be pretty awesome too if Hale stopped being lazy. Potatoes
4 Cucumbers. And mentoring.
5 Ofc mentoring and spinach
6 We have programs? ^_~ Mentoring ofc or perhaps our occasional lotteries which I never seem to win.
7 Mentoring and Okra.

Someone once told me that all great things must come to an end. What great thing would you like to see come to an end and why is Mike Ontry so great and smart?

1 The internet. I don’t know why, but he oozes awesomeness.
2 Trolls! Not that they are great. Because Mike Ontry fell into a vat of AWESOME.
3 Sleep. I wish I could go longer without sleep. Ontry is a paradox within an allusion mentioned in a metaphor beside multiple oxymorons describing sex without actually using words that come close to meaning sex. Ofc, everything means sex these days.
4 There is no end. Mike is great and smart because he doesn’t wait for permission to be great and smart.
5 What Hale said. Rainy said it.
6 The AFA... although I guess that’s not great. Mike Ontry is great because of the name! Is it My Country... Or My Cunt Ree!?! It’s a mystery!
7 Yes sleep is great but it’s a waste of time. You just implied my end....

Rainy Sunday is cool. No questions asked.

1 Si.
2 Oui.
3 No :3
4 OH MY DIO, MY EGO! Quick, kill it before it escapes.
5 True without a doubt.
6 The eNewspaper said it so it must be true.
7 No questions needed.

If I told you you couldn’t answer Cerb, but asked you who your favorite Executive Cabinet member was, who would that be and why?

1 Jason Statham Jr. Because he is as good as me in the NSC chair.
2 A month ago I would have said Slade. Then he left, and I’m still pissed.
3 New Azazel. Because he is my other boss, and I might get a raise.
4 Cerb. My rebellious demeanor. (Editors note: Reported)
5 Mike Ontry, know him from way back, always a really helpful guy.
6 “Slade. Then he left, and I’m still pissed.” >.> This is a sentiment shared by many of WTP.
7 Kemal. He’s a smart feller.

There you go eAmerica. Everything you ever wanted to know about the WTP. Join me next time when we ask, "Hey WTP, pie or cake? Dark meat or white?".

Dutifully Submitted,

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We welcome our loyalist international allies as well: Albanians, the Brazillians, Finns. And more. If you are here, and looking for a home with a voice, the WTP is the place for you.