[USA] Interview with CP candidate John Killah

Day 1,835, 17:59 Published in USA USA by Dio Salaar

Hello people of the eWorld! today, i sat down with POTUS candidate John Killah for a cup of tea and an interview. But first, some Mood Music.

1) We'll start off simple John, why do you want to be president, and why do you think you would make a good CP?

As cliched as it sounds, I want to be president because I feel like I have more to give to this job than just my time. I want to help take it in the right direction and help it forge deeper freidnships with our allies. I think i'd make a good CP in the fact that I can work with nearly anyone (Provided they're not AFA, they're the exception) and am an appoachable guy.

2) You are faced by three main opponents, Hanibal LA, John Jay, and Inwegen. What are your thoughts on each of them?

I'll start off with the good xD - Inwegen is a great guy, If I wasn't running I'd back him for PotUS no problem. He's a dedicated worker who more often then not takes no credit for some of the most tedious work done in the government. John Jay is a good man too, you gotta be to be in the Marines (Lovely bunch over there), I think he'd do great as president, but maybe needs a tiny bit more time in the cabinet imo. As for Hanibal, he's not an opponent, He's a piece of garbage AFA chucked out to have his ass kicked by the Unity candidate. He's a PTOer by association, plain and simple. He doesn't like the system we use, so do alot of other people, but they don't run to the AFA.

3) There is no doubt that the PTO situation is a VERY serious problem. How do you intend to deal with it?

Firstly, by keeping our bonuses below that of our enemies. As I discussed on eNPR last night, the bonus situation is working , even though it has sideaffects such as unpatriotic americans leaving (I'm discounting Commune Holders there, they have good reason). I also think that the more we keep them at bay, the more disillusioned the Non-commited PTOers will be and eventually they will leave as they will see it's pointless to keep struggling. Sure we'll have the diehard one's still in the AFA, but the leaving of the NCPTOers should drop them out of the Top 5, meaning we can have secure elections and slowly rebuild the nation.

4) Now many new players flock to the AFA because they believe that the current government is ruining the economy with the bonus-reduction strategy. Could you explain the reasoning behind it, for the sake of the newbies?

Sure. Basically, it can be rooted in the change to the political module. Before the current one, we used to run via states (regions). This was a huge headache because it meant at the height of our colonies, we'd have to find roughly 65 people to stand ... PER TOP 5 PARTY!. This meant we had to make sure we ran roughly 325 LEGIT people. Problem is, that's impossible, so parties would usually have 1 or 2 suspect PTOers accidently make it on to the ballot. These people would use heir invisible PTO friends, get elected, and use all their Citizenship passes to get more supporters in. By loosing bonuses, we limited our regions and thus lowered the amount of people we had to find to run and block. Unfortunately, this came too late and as you can see, all the PTOers coalsce into what we now know as the AFA. Like I mentioned above, most of the PTOers came here not primarily to PTO us, but to take advantage of our Resource Bonuses, which they would then use against us by fighting against us and our enemies, or by communing for our enemies here and letting them fight as well. This is why we dropped bonuses, to stop that.

5) We have been having to resort to a process we call the "Unity Elections." What is your opinion of this process?

It's been improved upon since the first hastily put together election which saw a huge amount of complaints. It's still far from perfect, but it's a definate improvement. Do I like it? No, i'd rather we be able to have true elections again, party vs party. But as long as the AFA is a major PTO threat, that's not going to happen, so I will stick by this unity process because it is the best option we have available to us to keep the CP Seat from PTO grasps.

6) Now, we have recently been strengthening our ties with great Allies such as Brazil, Russia, and Albania. Do you plan on adding to our list of Bros, or strenthening the bromance with the "Big Three?"

Obviously I plan on supporting those three as much as we possibly can because they're our bro's. They're awesome! But will I add anymore Bro's? Possibly not, it'd dilute the meaning of these bro accords. However, I'm extremely interestd in deepning out friendships with some other countries, like Greece and Croatia.

7) Many eAmericans are aching for a good war. Now without revealing any classified information, is there anything you would like to tell our eager soldiers?

Without revealing any plans, I can say that i've spoken to a few people, including current cabinet members, to grasp where we are on the international stage with our relations, and possible wars. We thought out a couple of interesting scenarios, so yeah, we could quite easily get a war..

8 ) On a slightly related note, we have not had a JCS president since the breakup and the establishment of the USAF. Will this have any effect on your presidency?

I'd rather not be seen as "The JCS President" ... my military unit shouldn't have a particular standing on my election. I'd be very disappointed if people looked at me and only saw where I from, not what I was doing.

9) On that same line, do you plan on trying to improve the relationship between the JCS and the government?

I'd like to think my election would help improve the relationship. What you have to understand is that there are still people on both sides bitter at one another, and they don't want to stop their trolling attitudes because they find it fun. All we can do is ignore those who troll and try to forge ahead together by talking and understanding both sides arguments and finding a common solution.

10) Now you are an political legend, but recently, there have been a lot of new faces popping up in the political spectrum, particularly in the AMP. What do you think of this?

I'd be lying if I said I miss some of the oldies that once played. People like Cleveland Fleman, David Wilson ... both have left the game and their loss leaves holes that are extremely hard to replace. But the new blood have been proving themselves quite adept, and while it's slightly overwhelming seeing all these new faces, I embrace it! It gives people like me the opportunity to impart wisdom and knowledge we've acquired through our long careers.


Well personally, I thought that was a KILLAH interview!

Now, as you may know by now, NO article of mine is complete without a sexy lady. Being an eMarried man, these do nothing for me, but I think you guys will continue to enjoy them.

For all you looking to "research" this fine lady, her name is Rosie Jones

Next time, I will be interviewing three officers of Rogue Squadron, potato134 (batata134), NAMWON, and my lovely eWife, Blackbaroness. Stay Tuned for "Meet the Rogues!"

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