[MoF] January Finance Report

Day 2,272, 00:29 Published in Ireland Ireland by New Ireland Bank

Ministry of Finance Month End Summary

February is now here and with it a new (slightly used) Country President. I congratulate Don Croata and thank Bhane for his months in our highest service position.

Here is the daily tax revenue for the January term:

And the Tax Account balance, which pays for our MPPs, looked like this:

While we did not bank any funds this last month we currently enjoy some of the lowest national taxes in recent memory.

I challenge our incoming CP and current Dail leadership to evaluate our current position and determine if this reduced budget will continue to meet our national goals.

As you can see we spent our tax revenue on 4 MPPs while ending the month about 5,000cc up from the beginning.

The year so far has proven to be a very trick one for monetary market investing. We experienced gold rates slightly below the 200cc mark and even saw movement of the currency to 0.006 gold. This resulted in one of the tightest profit margins in a very long time. The rate is now creeping up slowly but my hope is that admin promotions and offers will help to increase our profit margin back to more historical levels. My deputies and I will be watching this carefully as we are constantly pushing hard to reach our investment goals.

A large part of the Finance Ministry's funding goes to fund the Irish Army. Through investments and your donations we have been able to fund our soldiers well and keep our forces strong and growing.

The Irish Army commune produced over 10,000 Q7 tanks this month at an operating cost of almost half of current market price. This is a very efficient way to supply soldiers. Around 800 tanks were sold off to recoup some production costs back to the bank. I will continue to work with the IA team to increase efficiency while keeping our soldiers supplied on the battlefield.

Thanks for your time,

Minister of Finance