[DoD] Important Orders and Info

Day 922, 02:07 Published in Ireland Ireland by Irish Department of Defence
General Troop Recall

All soldiers are ordered home to Ireland. Moving Tickets are being supplied for your trip home.

DoD Chat Room
The main method of secure and organized supply. It is also good for quick communication and orders chat. Seems to be out of order for a few hours now...

It can easily be reached by going to the Irish Department of Defence Org and clicking on the chat room link at the bottom. Be sure to add it to your Chat Room Faves for easy reference.

Internet Relay Chat Channel: #IDFSupply. Many people, including myself, enjoy IRC for it's ease of communication. Planning and general chat is what we mainly use it for. Supply from here until DoD Chat is working again.

MPP Signed with USA

We have re-signed our MPP and will continue to monitor the ever changing need for Mobile Forces. The Russian threat is growing, and potential for Home Regions being attacked by either side rises daily.

It was over 5 days ago when the Irish Defence Forces mobilized to the US while it was under heavy attack from Phoenix Nations with Liaoning in the near future. While ultimately Serbia and PHX came out on top, the battle situations and communications were great fun. Believe me, our efforts were noticed while deployed and will pay dividends in the end.

Irish Citizen Damage for The Battle of Lion King
Fighters: 34
Damage: 110,306

Side Note: India is requesting Karnataka back from USA. While there may still be time before probable return, departure should be expedited.

Upon Return

Supply organization and practice is continuing to grow and streamline towards v2 planning and goals. We are now working on supply levels and needs while maintaining healthy stock and structure for the IDF State Companies. Report in for 3 days and then you will be free to hit the private sector as you please.

Skilled Manufactures and those that were well supplied are encouraged to 'volunteer' labour in the noob foundry to help with production rates.

DoD State Travel - Moving Tickets, PM for employment details
Irish State Weapons 1 - Q1, Skill 4 & 5
Irish State Weapons 4 - Q1, Skill 3
Irish State Weapons 2 - Q1, Skill varies
Irish State Weapons 3 - Volunteer and New Citizen
DoD Defense Munitions - Q5, PM for employment details

Spare Change

If you have any change left over from Deployments or eVacations, please consider donating it to the DoD. It will go to the betterment of the IDF and ultimately the Republic's Coffers.

Drop Your Drawers, It's Time For Check-Up and Shots

Any Soldiers that need a little boost to their wellness are encouraged to report to Paschoall through the Ministry of Health. The MoH can help you with a plan to maintain proper health and provide gifts to help get you on the right path.

Be sure to vote all DoD articles and subscribe to these papers:
Minister of Defence
Chief of Staff
Minister of Foreign Affairs

Join the IDF today!

Ní neart go cur le chéile.
Éireann, buail an iarann te!

Cpl Useless - Minister of Defence
