محیط روشن/خاموش

Your favourite holiday destination

66 4,265, 00:15 روز منتشر شده در Netherlands Netherlands تعاملات اجتماعی و فرهنگی تعاملات اجتماعی و فرهنگی

Greeting, citizens of eWorld,

today, my topic and question will be very simple. During the summer, many people go to holidays all across the world. And … بیشتر »

The Economic Spin - Your Opinion?

20 4,238, 06:19 روز منتشر شده در Netherlands Netherlands کسب و کار اقتصادی کسب و کار اقتصادی

Greeting, citizens of eWorld,

in the last few days, we have been "showered" by series of "events" (if you can call them with that word) from Plato. … بیشتر »

Quick Work Tax announcement

36 4,223, 02:03 روز منتشر شده در Netherlands Netherlands کسب و کار اقتصادی کسب و کار اقتصادی

Greeting, citizens of Netherlands,

looking at the Finance Sheet and its graphs (which allow us to track our economy trends in better way), I have noticed a … بیشتر »

The fall of Q2 houses?

29 4,211, 03:15 روز منتشر شده در Netherlands Netherlands کسب و کار اقتصادی کسب و کار اقتصادی

Greeting, citizens of Netherlands (and eRepublik on its own),

ever since my Presidency,[url=https://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-mof-everyone-a-house-march-بیشتر »

Envy on Success

3 4,187, 00:10 روز منتشر شده در Netherlands Netherlands تجزیه و تحلیل های سیاسی تجزیه و تحلیل های سیاسی

Excerpt taken from this post, بیشتر »