محیط روشن/خاموش

Another Return

34 5,822, 20:31 روز منتشر شده در USA USA قدم های اولیه در ایریپابلیک قدم های اولیه در ایریپابلیک

It seems like I have the decision to return to this game once again. I have been trying to stay engaged but it is so hard to log in, especially with the chaos of real life however we will see where this will lead us. It also seems like I need 8 more

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eUSA President Race

18 4,819, 21:40 روز منتشر شده در USA USA قدم های اولیه در ایریپابلیک قدم های اولیه در ایریپابلیک

Hello, I am fairly new here and wanted to give my perspective on the race to be the next CP. Being a person that is returning to the game after a long break I have definitely seen change in the game. Looking at the current programs that are being

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