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The official newspaper of the UK MoD.

Daily orders are posted here - check back regularly!

MoD (TARE) - Exercise 1

11 5,961, 03:06 روز منتشر شده در United Kingdom United Kingdom دستورات جنگی دستورات جنگی

Tactical Assessment and Readiness Exercise (TARE) - Exercise 1

Today saw the commencement of the first TARE Exercise. The exercise will take place between the following … بیشتر »

MoD - Tactical Assessment and Readiness Exercise (TARE)

18 5,956, 00:49 روز منتشر شده در United Kingdom United Kingdom دستورات جنگی دستورات جنگی

eUK Military Unit Coordination Exercise

A war-game has been on the agenda for a while however nothing has come to fruition yet despite the hard work of many.

It … بیشتر »

[MoD] Christmas Air Programme - Weeks: 159-162

63 5,955, 11:28 روز منتشر شده در United Kingdom United Kingdom تجزیه و تحلیل نظامی تجزیه و تحلیل نظامی

Christmas Air Programme Rewards - Weeks: 159-162

Air Reward Programmes

The Christmas Air Programme Rewards are 6cc per air kill. The cap is 2,500 kills per week for … بیشتر »

[MoD] EPIC battle in the East of England

3 5,933, 23:59 روز منتشر شده در United Kingdom United Kingdom تجزیه و تحلیل نظامی تجزیه و تحلیل نظامی

*** The latest epic for the UK took place in the fields of the East of England ***

ROUND 4 - Division IV
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[MoD] Christmas Air Programme - Weeks: 155-158

73 5,925, 10:33 روز منتشر شده در United Kingdom United Kingdom تجزیه و تحلیل نظامی تجزیه و تحلیل نظامی

Christmas Air Programme Rewards - Weeks: 155-158

Air Reward Programmes

The Christmas Air Programme Rewards are 6cc per air kill. The cap is 2,500 kills per week for … بیشتر »