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VLKR's newspaper.

[玩命] 歡迎各位加入「改善或r@gequ!t黨」!!

7 Día 1,210, 17:50 Publicado en China China




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12 Día 1,199, 18:14 Publicado en China China

關於昨天我的問卷調查遭受無頭雞封殺一事, 現已上書無頭雞當局, 希望其盡快撤查, 還給我們一個出版自由的基本權利:

另外, 如果有人很討厭

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We are going to eat Indomie very soon!!

35 Día 1,197, 17:57 Publicado en China China

We are prepared to eat some Indomie:

And this is just nice!

Indonesia, we are coming!!

(An old

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[eRepublik] Game Over

11 Día 1,183, 22:58 Publicado en China China

無頭雞, 你懂的
This game is near its death, admin, you should know why it's that.

這個被你折騰夠了的經濟, 你可以把他回復過來嗎?
Can you recover this doomed economy, which is mostly caused by your decision?


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[刷存在感] 更新了的小工具

9 Día 1,178, 18:29 Publicado en China China

很久沒有更新了的 Player Stats...

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