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The official Press Room of the United States. Check here, for all official announcements from your government.

White House Press Release #112: Department Overview

14 Día 937, 01:01 Publicado en USA USA

The world, as it stands today, is stagnating a little, as nations turn in on themselves to prepare for the upcoming transition to V2. While things may be moving slowly, I would encourage you to keep reading, keep writing and keep voting up American

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White House Press Release #111: We were under attack, and freed Israel.

16 Día 936, 16:48 Publicado en USA USA

It has been a slow week, apart from the attack coming from Russia’s legendary president. Besides desperately trying to invent topics to write about to keep you informed, the government is doing endless amounts of work to keep America secured and our

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White House Press Release #110: V2 Bonds!

17 Día 931, 20:23 Publicado en USA USA

The news from the White House today is here, and it’s important. If you finish it hungry for more, and want some good articles to read, check out the Pony Express.


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White House Press Release #109: President McSkittles

15 Día 929, 04:29 Publicado en USA USA

Our New President

The White House is happy to announce that the President Chocolate McSkittles has officially taken office. The new President Choc has wasted no time, hitting the ground running by [url= más »

White House Press Release #108: America's Allies Need You!

15 Día 925, 22:22 Publicado en USA USA

Secretary’s note: It’s been a while since the last White House Press Release. I sincerely apologize for the lack of communication. I take full responsibility. The RL situation I've been facing has been resolved, so expect regular updates to leer más »