Ambiente de fondo si/no

eSummer to eChristams statistics and the theory of eDeath.

8 Día 2,594, 14:07 Publicado en China China Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social


We all know that the game does not going well.
And cause we are on Christmas mode, let's just don't be, you know "criticism".

So let's just take a look and number the casualties of the last 5 months.
Of course i'm not going to show

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Mayday! Mayday!Mayday! This is eRep calling!

23 Día 2,573, 09:05 Publicado en China China Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

Hello, know me or not is not a problem.
Have fun.

This is my first and last article. Don't ask me why i wrote it today, i don't even know.
The truth is that i promised to a person that i'll completely write an article before i leave, i had to,

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